Bask in the glow

Today in photos

Today in photos We had a Sandwhich at our favorite weekend Sandwhich shop. Found a miniature train exhibit with tiny houses. Walked through Brookside Gardens and enjoyed their flowers. Returned home for yard work and admired my own roses. A spotted friend and mother stopped by for a visit. Met the squad while shopping for wedding clothing.

Does anyone have a habit tracker they like?

I’m looking for one that will work for Android and have a Web component (or Mac/Windows app).
I’m not looking to join a community nor to Gamify my habits. I just want something I can remind myself to do things.

Jung Kim has come a long way from Handy Car Rental to Marvel Super Hero.

My wife starting watching a show called Kevin Can Fuck Himself because Annie Murphy (Alexis Schitt) stars and It’s…

Half modern drama. Half 90s sitcom. Complete with laugh track.

The show flips based on when our heroine Annie Murphy is with her husband, the titular Kevin.

Money Heist on Netflix is really satisfying heist drama.

“I’ll buy an 8th generation iPad.”

—Stupid man who tries to buy a thing during a global everything shortage.

Unified Theory of Text

Solving the “where did I put that” problem of text.

  1. I love Nextcloud. It’s a wonderful sync for things and I don’t need to worry about paying for Dropbox.
  2. I love Obsidian. Now that there are apps for it for it on Mobile I’m inclined to use it as a way to find things I type and stash in folders.
  3. Joplin is the odd-app-out. I don’t love Joplin. It’s fine and I absolutely love that I can use Nextcloud as a back-end to sync it. But it stores everything in gibberish file names so I can’t get to it through other editors.
  4. Typora. At the end of the day. I want to type every single document in Typora. But I don’t want to organize nor manage in files there.

But how do I keep all of that text in sync across multiple operating systems and devices? In a given day, I interact with that text from Linux, Mac OS and Android. Once I get this sorted, I’ll be adding iPad and Windows to the mix, although less often than the first three.

I’m leaning towards Obsidian Sync. I’m using Nextcloud to sync everything right now and it works great on computers. But it falls down on mobile. The Android (and I assume iOS) apps do not sync files in the same way. I toyed with the idea of setting up Syncthing to solve this problem as it handles syncing of files on mobile without issue.

However, that’s one more thing to manage and support and hope it works and continues to work. (Though I may still setup Syncthing to move data between raspberry pis.) But that’s another story.

I’ve been thinking about paying for the Obsidian Sync. And even though it’s a few dollars a month, it’s something I don’t have to think about. It’ll handle the text syncing so I don’t have to.

Does anyone have a list of special characters in names? I’m trying to get to the bottom of special characters getting mangled in web conferencing apps and looking for a starting point to test with.

Any Product Manager types in range of this post? Come work with me! We’re looking for a Senior Product Manager to work in our Gaithersburg, MD office.

Happy to answer any questions. :)

Between the heat emergency warnings and the severe thunderstorm was a brief moment of bee peeping.

Come Work With Me! Need a Webex/Zoom SME!

We’re looking to hire a SME for Zoom and Webex.

What’s a SME? Subject Matter Expert.

What would you be doing?

Zoom is the operating system of the world. How can we use Zoom to its fullest extend and do things beyond what Zoom itself can offer?
Webex is launching a new Events platform. Become our expert and let’s make it sing!

You’ll be working with our excellent Product team to use these platforms to their fullest and push the limits of what they can do to delight our customers and challenge what’s possible. And make sure we’re on top of changes to those platforms. That’s a great thing about Intellor. You can learn and grow and build awesome things and know at the end of the day you made something very cool happen.

Does this sound exciting? (It did to me!) This used to be my job. Now I’m doing so much more! Come work with me! We have a great team. Got questions? Let’s talk!

(Not all yours days will look as crazy as my desk. But when you’re bug hunting across devices and platforms and need to build your own testing lab, you do what you need to.)

Full Job Descriptions: Business Applications Administrator Salary Range: $60,000 - $70,000 a year

A desk full of computers, screens and an iPad all running Zoom Webinars.

When I have to return to the office, I may have some demands.

Love from belief, not fear

Sunday Soother: Do you love from belief, or from fear?

I believe you can start that creative project. I believe you can make that move. I believe you can ask for that need to be met, to set that boundary, to have that hard conversation. I believe you can climb that mountain, walk that path, swim that ocean. You can do this. You were made for this. I believe in you and your capacity to do the thing. Now let’s get going.

I love this entire idea about focusing on positivity of new pursuits and life changes. I’m as guilty as the next person at finding all the cautionary tales and warnings about failure.

What, instead, if we shifted into loving from fear, into loving from belief?

I will try to love from belief rather than fear more often. And try to identify when I’m loving from fear instead of belief. The feedback loop of positivity can get kickstarted just like a fear loop.

The ability to pause an app for the day is an Android feature I make good use of when they become too chatty.

Northern Mockingbird.

This bird has been visiting my yard on and off for the past few months. But I had no idea what it was.

Today, it finally got close enough and stayed for me to get a decent picture of it. Then Merlin’s Bird ID helped me out.

The second treat today was seeing a pile of birdseed in the corner of a local parking lot. There must have been 40 sparrows all feasting upon this bounty. With more coming all the time. They just kept coming.

This has to be intentional. I’ll look in the future now that I know.

Today’s bird treat was seeing an entire flock of Red winged blackbirds at Brookside Gardens today. I’ve seen one of two sometimes as they’re on the hunt for food near the ponds. But today there were a dozen in a field pecking happily away at the ground.

Walking into Chick Fil-a tonight, my wife and I find our table and set her phone on the number. This triggers the app to alert the staff we are there and to deliver our food.

The guy brings our food, looks at my wife asking, *Annie… pause and friend?

Made my night. 🤭

I did check with my wife of 11 years whether we were friends. She said yes. Best friends.

Work: You’re doing the jobs of two people. Which part would you like to keep and we will hire for the other part?

Also work: We had someone take a leave of absence. Can you take on this massive project that this person was doing fulltime?

Know anyone in the Gaithersburg/Rockville, MD area (DC suburb) that would love to administer and evangelize Webex and Zoom for an events company?

My job has outgrown me and I need reinforcements. We’re doing cool stuff. Who are we?

Not bad, Oregon

Waited for the sun to go down then took the longer version of the walk nobody knows about with my wife today.

Had a wonderful chat about dreams, love, support and the idea of Enough.

I just watched Tenet.

What a fun ride through time and events.

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Working my way through the Jerry Bruckheimer Criminal Justice Cinematic Universe.

I do not need a Kindle Oasis. I do not need a Kindle Oasis. I do not need a Kindle Oasis…