Bask in the glow




video games
















: Olympics Opening Ceremony Time! Watching it live on the US East Coast. Will be rebroadcast at 7:30pm …

: Rugby is an aggressive game of keep away. 🏉 #Olympics

: Olympics!!! Time to watch everything! I’ve been having fun watching the athletes on TikTok roaming …

: Sorting through 25,000+ photos. Trying to determine their actual creation dates using ChatGPT to …

: I took a little nap this afternoon and when I woke up me up, my wife looks over at me and says “in …

: Sitting on my couch with my wife watching Noah Kahan play Fenway Park. 🎸🎹🎻

: Days like this I don’t miss working in IT at the user support level. But there’s also a …

: Had a marvelous time in Amsterdam. Taylor Swift puts on an incredible night of theater. The Van Gogh …

: I told my wife I felt like a tottering old man. She said I think it’s doddering. Like daughter with …

: Want to make a scene look futuristic? Add dirigibles. Want to make a scene look European? Add light …

: Flew all night. Starting the day off right. Even if 9am feels like 3 am. #Amsterdam

: We had a good day thrifting yesterday in Frederick, MD. The tulip tea pit and cows on a couch pot …


: Star Trek is my favorite world to live in. I’m sad to see Discovery come to an end. I will miss this …

: Sitting at lunch with my wife swapping tales of our work days. She’s running therapy groups for …

: Enjoy some evening birdsong from Maryland. Birds: American Robin, Gray Catbird, Northern Cardinal, …

: I’m starting to go through my massive collection of photos from the past 20 years from various …

: My sister-in-law law has invited us over to sing karaoke with her and her son and it’s hilarious. …

: Mowing the lawn, completed Plopped down to rest As the first rain drop landed

: Returned from vacation directly into the waiting arms of news a friend I’ve played Destiny with for …

: “A Picasso next to the bathroom. That’s worthy of a picture!” — My wife at the Philadelphia Museum …

: Why are three guys roaming around downtown Philadelphia with a bass and snare drums like their own …

: 14 years. 💍

: Breakfast by the lake. Finding space to breathe this week.

: Cleanse I’ve had the urge recently to do a major cleanse, dump, or revamp of what I own, what I read, …

: Amsterdam is on the horizon for July.

: Beat Saber is so much fun! All the smashing of fruit ninja with the immersion of the Quest 2 …

: For the past few years I’ve recorded a podcast with two co-hosts about Destiny 2. Two Titans …

: Cryptoops!

: For a fun jolt to your Friday morning, I recommend dipping the honeycomb into the honey bear and …

: Airbnb refuses to take action on my address being used fraudulently in their system. It’s been a week since I wrote When your address is being used as an Airbnb by someone who is …

: I’ve been in two separate schools recently. An elementary school and a community college. …

: I saw three gold finches this morning in my yard. They were females or young ones since their fold …

: When your address is being used as an Airbnb by someone who is not you Twice recently I’ve had people show up at my front door, with my address in hand, expecting to …

: That’s the second time someone has come to my door looking for an Airbnb and was given my addresss. …

: Found a KitchenAid (by Hobart) mixer thrifting tonight. Internet sleuthing seems to point to it …

: Took a walk tonight. Got tacos for dinner.

: Terrible news. Fallout show is incredible. I’m now going to spend the next 6 months playing all of …

: When I got to work today, at the edge of the parking lot was a single Canadian Goose. Just standing …

: Everclear is playing a local city show in May. I saw them checks watch in 2001 with Matchbox Twenty …

: Power flickered earlier with the rainstorm. Laying in bed afterr work, I looked up and exclaimed …

: 📺 Secret Invasion (2023) After watching The Marvels today, I went back and finished it. Provided …

: 📺 The Night Agent (2023) Finished this series today. Enjoyed it well enough. Nothing surprising but …

: Learned what Diabolo is tonight. Had no idea what that game was called.

: I’ve now seen both Microsoft and Apple get sued for monopolistic practices. I don’t think Apple is …

: If you too are tired of Google Maps thrusting its “search with AI” in front of your face when you’re …

: There is something cruel about a sleep study ending at 5am.

: Garlic Parmesan Chicken Sliders on Hawaiian Rolls Made these for dinnerer tonight and they turned …

: I hope this email… never finds you. I hope at the first sign of an email you run! Run for the hills …

: All of the TikTok scaremongering from the US Government amounts to “we don’t like …

: Essential functions include… I’m not sure about that second bullet. Wouldn’t that …

: I’m old enough to remember when Microsoft invested 150 million into Apple to help keep it …

: The mourning doves often sit in little bird blobs in the sun on the shed roof.

: Destiny 2 is my cozy game @SamBatyley on Twitter: I just said this in an interview. “What kinds of games do you play?” “Oh, …

: Maine Cabin Masters is the gold standard of what a house show should be. There is no manufactured …

: Office is for talking, home is for thinking The Office is for people who like to talk. Remote Work is for people who like to think. I’ve had …

: Good Morning, Welcome to Bonus February. If you needed to get something done before March, you have …

: We are all different, yet we all use our unique contributions to serve patients. The [vital …


: It doesn’t help when my coworker sends me my own words from June 2023 about this project. Turns out, …

: Made a fire outside. Sister-in-law came over and we grilled burgers and sweet potatoes. I’ll take a …

: There is no wrong way to play games. If you want to turn a brutally hard game into a cozy flower …

: Making tiny foods with my wife is very peaceful and a nice craft night ritual.

: 🧘 I’ve started my yoga (with Adriene) practice again and I’m looking to add some daily meditations …

: Dec 23rd: CPAP machine starts making terrible buzzing/grinding sounds as the motor is dying. …

: Who killed Twitter? Two authors with books about Twitter from different perspectives interview each …

: After the robins flew off, they settled in a tree across the road and continued odd their song.

: I wish I could share the nine American Robins sitting in the tree with their red breasts ablaze with …

: I turned 43 today and am stilll giddy when there’s a chance of snow in the forecast.

: 📷 How to learn the basics of manual photography? I want to learn how to get outside of the Auto setting on my camera. I want to learn how to take …

: Connections absolutely wrecked us tonight. My wife and I sit down to play Wordle, Connections and …

: You’ve heard of Picture-In-Picture. New! From Netflix comes Picture -ON-Picture!

: Dark-Eyed Juncos hanging out with cardinals, house sparrows and squirrels.

: Remember: Move Fast is followed by And Break Things.

: 16

: Snowy trees and gray winter skies

: Snow Day trip to the movies

: Man sleeps with CPAP In an out, whining motor Sleep box prevents sleep

: I’ve been keeping a diary for thirty-three years and write in it every morning. Most of …

: Building tiny foods and baking them in place with resin is very satisfying. I deeply enjoyed placing …

: 📺 Obliterated (2023) Absolutely as absurd and cheesy as you would guess. But I still enjoyed its …

: Finished reading: Starter Villain by John Scalzi 📚 Absolutely loved it. Read part and let Wil …

: Hello 2024. The machine I sleep with has a dying motor. So instead of peaceful sleeping, I get a …

: I’m looking for a Nintendo Switch game to play with my wife that is Minecraft in its crafting, …

: Happy New Year’s Eve!

: Laid in bed last night solving NY Times mini and “midi” crossword puzzles and enjoy ones …

: Woman in her hometown - Necessary Salt by Joy Sullivan Nothing hurts like a hometown, especially …

: Generl Store

: Please enjoy this cooler I saw at the thrift store today.

: Roku knows everything I watch on its devices. It would be nice to have that data too. So I could …

: Watching my sister-in-law play hockey. It’s wild to me she plays at the Utah Olympic Oval. Just your …

: There has to be a happy medium between “Stab your knees woth metal and your Tray table tips because …

: I agree with every crying child in the airport. This is terrible. Nobody wants to do this.

: My Christmas wish is being able to travel from the East Coast to the West Coast by train in hours …

: Between Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, Walk Up Wednesday, …

: Decorating the golden frog.

: Podcast idea: Sorry, I Was Multi-Tasking Two or more people talking past each other while half …

: Finished reading: Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman 📚 Sharing a name with the protagonist piqued …

: Sheet Pan Shake and Bake Pork Chops - Damn Delicious… I made this …

: I love reading on my Kindle Oasis for its buttons that let me use it left-handed. I am deeply …

: This is how I would like to spend the winter as well.

: First fire of the season.

: I had Instagram recommend I follow… myself. And I don’t knoww how to feel about it.

: The sunset tonight was beautiful.

: Defaults I’ve seen a number of people posting their default apps and thought I’d jump in to the …

: It’s Thursday and that means.

: Time to clean up Halloween and get ready for fall decorations (birds) since it’s not quite Christmas …

: I will never get tired of watching the city come collect large items with their skill crane truck.

: This Ken’s job is Meetings.

: Set my phone near the bird feeder at my dad’s place and used the watch as a remote shutter. Captured …

: Milkweed or something like that spilling out of a seed pod.

: Autumn has arrived. Walked by this tree recently. I had to stop and enjoy it.

: No matter what, the moment you pick to run that one errand you need to do before 5pm will inevitably …

: I have to give credit to Lucidchart. I watched this entire video without a single thought that it …

: Kindle app: Here’s your streak! Look at it! Also Kindle: Whoopsie, you didn’t read and lost your …

: Ruby (left) and Ginger (right) are ready for their day out on the town. I was not prepared for how …

: There’s some event in town nearby and there’s spotlights dancing across the sky.

: As close as I can tell, the AI Revolution means there’s a little icon in my work apps that looks …

: Snap has arrived. I love collecting these little birds.

: I replaced the wheels on my desk chair I bought second hand. I now have rollerblade wheels which fit …

: Taylor Swift stalked acrosss the stage for 3 hours and it was a beautiful catharsis for us and the …

: Waking up tomorrow and recording a Destiny 2 podcast then going to the Taylor Swift Eras Movie. I am …

: There’s something magical about moving all of the 1s and 0s to another place and it just …

: Nothing like falling in love with a song and checking out the rest of the album only to find …

: I realized today that I spend 1/4 of every work day in meetings at the start of the day. Some days …

: Thrifting tonight was superb. I’m madly in love with this magazine holder and my wife found a …

: Good note taking (and quickly finding those notes) is a super power.

: What iPad would you buy this year if it was time for an upgrade? I’ve got an iPad Pro …

: There’s a part of me who wants to reply to people with watches on their left wrist they’re wearing …

: This year has been a real “survival of the fittest” outside. There’s two little survivors. No idea …

: Here’s a scary story. It’s 4:41pm. Your manages sends you an instant message. “Should I tell Bob …

: I’m a sucker for shadows of trees on walls.

: Always a little unnerving to get a password reset email from Facebook. For an account you …

: This Little Free Library popped up on my street recently and it’s adorable. I am in love with it. …

: Brought to you by the letter M and the and the number 9.

: The only downside of cleaning the stove top is not wanting to use it. It’s so clean and beautiful!

: Heat wave cooler in grayscale.

: Now to figure out why WordPress continues to say Publishing failed. The response is not a valid JSON …

: I did it! After a couple of hours, using Dreamhosts nightly backups and my meager SQL knowledge and …

: Optimistic Nihilism: If nothing matters, we might as well make the most of it. Via: …

: Found this mural in Richmond, VA over the weekend and absolutely loved it.

: The Box vs. The Product I understand the product will never be what it shows on the box but it …

: I have a mess of tabs open on one computer from my RSS feeds. I need to find a good way to take them …

: Current Status: Feels like there’s a fishbowl on my head. When I stand up too fast, or bend …

: I just saw an ad on YouTube that said to trust a printer. Never!

: In the past week I have: Flown from Hawaii to Maryland. Got Sick 😷 Drove two hours to attend a two …

: Some of my most trusted news sources in 2023 are: V who reports from Under a Desk: …

: I miss the days of trying out an app without immediately needing to create an account. I really need …

: Mahalo

: 👋 Seattle (airport)

: I have a very long flight coming up and am looking for iOS games. iPhone or iPad. Trouble is, I …

: 📺 The Bear (2022) The second season is incredible. Every episode could be an entire movie. The …

: Trying to watch Episode 6 of 📺 Invasion (2021) Literally trying to watch it because apparently the …

: Trent Reznor scored the new TMNT movie is a sentence that I can say in 2023 and it’s real.

: Workday “Dead Zone” The Workday “Dead Zone” is a Fake Problem But let’s be very clear: those aren’t real …

: Library loans: Saving Time by Jenny Odell 📚 Really enjoyed listening to Saving Time by Jenny Odell …

: My new shirt is here! And it’s perfect!

: I love 1Password. I love being able to open a web page, verify the login I want to use and it just …

: “I recently came across your background and work experience with hewlett packard enterprise …

: Power is out. At least the severe thunderstorm cooled it off to… 87 degrees. With the humidity it’s …

: Reading these translation posts are always on point and entertaining. 𝕏 is no exception. Daring …

: How many House Sparrows is too many House Sparrows?

: 📺 Silo (2023) Finished the season. It was stupendous and I’m anxiously awaiting more. There is more, …

: Does my house have studs? Do they run vertically? Gaze upon my collection of holes in the wall to …

: I’ve fallen in love with a newsletter called The Deep Dive. Every Wednesday you’ll get a …

: Trying to get into the habit of replying to people. It’s the comments section of blogs back …

: Barbie Answers Oppenheimer - by Anne Helen Petersen Film history and movie review. It’s all quotable …

: New faucet. Color coordinated.

: Disable hardware acceleration to fix Google Chrome slowness Chrome has been running slower and slower on this Ubuntu Linux desktop and it was driving me nuts. …

: Podcasts Recommendations, no crime I had a co-worker ask for podcast recommendations that weren’t murdery or crime related. So I …

: How it started. How it’s going. Regarding the trailer for Timothée Chalamet as Willy Wonka

: Remember, if our local natural gas company can put up EMERGENCY WORK signs from June 5 to July 5. …

: Visiting the hummingbirds and parents. I love watching them fly around like tiny fighter jets.

: Millennial Burnout Being so burnt out from the last three years of relentless, ruthless running that …

: 🍿 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) It was Indy being Indy and I enjoyed it.

: Audio people, we had wall to wall carpet but recently replaced it with flooring. My little 8’x10’ …

: Big Mac Tacos and Crispy Parmesan Carrots Made dinner tonight with my wife. We have a small kitchen so our choreography must be impeccable. …


: Star Trek is Space Ted Lasso. Or is Ted Lasso Football Star Trek?

: The sky is lovely today.

: Watching Ted Lasso again has been such a salve for the hard days. The characters grow and change and …

: I’ve been using this Logitech H540 headset throughout the pandemic and it’s never failed …

: Life advice from…

: There are so many beautiful birds in the world.

: Well, we spent the last two days packing our house up to prepare it to get new floors. Only to learn …

: Getting a whole house of carpet removed tomorrow. Packed and moved things so it’s just furniture …

: Are you parrot smoking a pipe or a flamingo with a crown?

: Good Morning and Happy June. Here’s some little birdy babies.

: 📺 Ted Lasso (2020) What a wonderful show. The series finale aired so take this as your sign you can …

: I love watching our solar power generation grow and seeing how it compares to the last 3 years. The …

: iphone - How do I exclude a single day from/preemptively snooze a daily alarm? - Ask Different …

: There is some La Croix in our office that, from a glance, across the room, looked like Surge. And …

: Antique Stores are magical places.

: Spent the weekend in a cabin near a lake with a hot tub. Spent some quality hours soaking in the hot …

: Zoho Mail Bug - update is being downloaded but never downloads If you’re still seeing this, delete the app from your computer and download it from …

: How do you get information into a country that’s banned free press? Embed a secret room inside …

: After spending an hour planning and stressing and searching for accommodations for a trip I had a …

: My wife found a spice in our pantry that said “best before 2020” and I said.. weren’t we all spice? …

: On the job hunt again. My time where I am is coming to an end. My qualifications are: I managed …

: My wife is a constant inspiration and reminds me there are no rules. If you wake up one day and say …

: Does anyone remember the TV ads from the 90s that said “Unemployed? Underemployed? Looking to turn …

: My biggest strength at work is synthesizing and summarizing information. It’s what my team …

: Midday walks are my sanity.

: 🍿 Memory: The Origins of Alien (2019) Really enjoyed this documentary. The influence of H.R. Giger …

: Antique Malls are spectacular places for the collected weirdness of the past.

: Facebook Class Action Lawsuit. I don’t know who made it a …

: 📺 Shrinking (2023) - ★★★★★ Watched it this weekend. Absolutely loved it. It felt so real and …

: Adventures in lamp repair My wife found a beautiful vintage lamp that looks like a glass flower but the lamp parts didn’t …

: Spotify updated last night. I was hoping it would remove the auto-playing music tik-tok-style scroll …

: Tennessee is over here sending emails about beautiful cabin rentals. But I’m sorry, your state is …

: 📺 Daisy Jones & the Six (2023) - ★★★★★ Just finished the series in Amazon Prime. My wife enjoyed …

: “Let the collector’s motto be, ‘Trust nothing to the memory;’ for the memory becomes a fickle …

: Tiktok Hearings (in two sentences): American companies can spy on you and sell your data. But not a …

: HELLO! I am looking for hot single woodpeckers! 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁

: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!…

: It’s really hard listening to the US Government, responsible for getting compromised during the OPM …

: New glasses have arrived. My first with progressive lenses. It takes some getting used to. …

: Meet Paul by Becca Lane Paul by Becca Lane is the fanciest pigeon in all the land and I am madly in …

: NHL Big City Classic broadcasts ice hockey as cartoon The Washington Capitals are playing the NY Rangers tonight and I’m watching the game broadcast live …

: US Govt: We are going to ban TikTok. Meanwhile, on TikTok:… (goat …

: Is there any greater feeling than having a bug you reported confirmed and slowly being fixed? In …

: Feeling tired? Go for a walk. Hard to focus? Go for a walk. Not sure what to work in next? Go for a …

: I track my sleep data with an Apple Watch and I fell asleep without putting it back on. I went to …

: Trying to explain why testing in dev is a bad idea and came up with this example. Man 1: This car …

: Floor Time with notebooks and iPad

: 🚨🥅 Goalie Goal! 🥅🚨 The Boston Bruins goaltender scored on an open net. I love to see a Goalie Goal …

: I love reading “day in the life” style stories of people in different professions. This …

: Well… I just turned 42 and just said the words out loud “I wonder where this bird lives and if I …

: I am 42. I am answer to life, the universe and everything.

: I didn’t know I would be walking through Costco crying as Self-Hosted Show: 89 Jellyfans shared the …

: 📺 Welcome to Wrexham (2022) What a warm, lovingly crafted, funny series overflowing with heart and …

: 📺 Cunk on Earth (2022) I’ve seen clips of this show on TikTok so when I saw it was on Netflix I ran …

: “If you’re gonna use me, use me up” 🎵 Use Me Up - Until the Ribbon Breaks There is …

: 🎵 Nitesky feat. John LaMonica - Robot Koch This is a great song. And I’m trying out Lantern from …

: Spent today neck deep in Webex’s REST API, Postman and out application today trying to figure …

: 🏈 channel? Had a woman ask my wife what channel the game is on today. We have no idea. I said to check out the …

: Return to (Open) Office! Return to Office Plan Instead of sharing an office with one other person with a door you can close, …

: Me: Look at that little shelf! It looks perfect for my growing Target fabric bird collection. Let’s …

: Treadmill + Laptop mount = Better Health Last week a bought this laptop mount for our treadmill. Vivo Universal Laptop Treadmill Mount …

: Dumb and shameful until it’s not - by Ryan Broderick There are all kinds of legal and ethical …

: The fragments of media you consume - by Ryan Broderick TikTok is just a free Adobe Premiere for …

: All Twitter had to do to stop me from looking at it for more than collecting a roundup of Destiny 2 …

: 📺 Alice in Borderland (2020) I enjoyed the first season and eagerly awaited the second. But it’s …

: I Love RSS.

: Foggy Night

: You can’t expect what you’re not willing to give. If you’re not willing to give it, you’re not …

: My wife wanted to get some wine and ice cream and brownies tonight. It’s 10pm. I said well it’s fine …

: Beginning to think… in quite a worried way… that no part of my house is level or square. Or that 90 …

: Watched Glass Onion. Followed by Everything Everywhere All At Once. Both incredible. Do I go for the …

: Your destination has 5 stars on Yelp! So let me get this straight, you can’t have Siri use anything besides Apple Maps? And it wants …

: The collection grows

: PSA New Target birds are out. The three new ones joined the family tonight. They are roosting with …

: Remember, when you podcast with people in another country you sometimes need to check the voice …

: There is a new season of Letterkenny available on Hulu. I have now watched another season of …

: Merry Christmas to all who were woken up early on Christmas Day by an urgent alert from work because …

: I want to feel this song run through my out of giant speakers.

: I’ve become completely obsessed with Until The Ribbon Breaks. The song Goldfish was my intro …

: I feel crazy. I hate the text selection and editing on the iPhone. It feels like mush and sometimes …

: Decorated for Christmas with Target birds. Mondrian bird house ski village, lining the mantle and …

: A grown man just sat down next to us in the airport, sipped his Mountain Dew, handed it to his …

: Postponed dentist appointment. 🪥 Tooth decides tonight is a good time to start being sensitive. 🦷

: / Keenai Alternatives? In my recent switch from Android to iPhone, I could not find the Keenai app (used to be called …

: Destiny 2 is an apex predator. It goes through content lulls just long enough to make other games …

: I finished season 3 of For All Mankind in Apple TV+. It’s an alternate history of what …

: It’s a bad day at work when I need to summon the trifecta of Carl, Carla and Carlo on the same …

: We got a bread maker from a thrift store that is basically new in the box. But it came with a 250GB …

: Can anyone explain the logic of when the iPhone: Will make noise for a notification. Will not make …

: The best way to lose something - Jack Baty The best way to lose something is to first over-think …

: Back in the office for our quarterly Town Hall. It’s weird being in the office.

: Took an inexplicable open space between a bathroom and my office and built a wall. Now we are adding …

: Another year of hockey. Another year of deciding how long I can hold out paying $65/month for …

: Ubuntu Pro free for 5 users - LivePatch your Linux Today I Learned Ubuntu made their Ubuntu Pro service available for free up to 5 users from The …

: The sky was lovely tonight.

: Finally starting to wrap my head around Obsidian’s Dataview plugin. I don’t want much, …

: March 2020 I took a job managing Webex and Zoom for an events company. Two years later I find myself …

: Opened the window in the my office today for the first time as it’s gotten cooler. After hours …

: We are looking at putting some merch together for our Destiny 2 podcast. There’s so many options out …

: Solution to Xbox not updating all games when powered off I have an Xbox One X with a external SSD where I keep games that benefit from the speed. They …

: Working remotely from April 202 until now and there’s one person who continues to use their …

: I pulled 1364 photos out of Google Photos into Apple Photos (because App > Web for photos). Down …

: Apple Photos. Google Photos. Apple Photos. Google Photos. Apple Photos. Google Photos.

: Wealth is the Missing Piece - by Anne Helen Petersen AHP talks about wealth not as the flashy gold …

: Found an entry/exit tone bug in the Webex XML APIs for Webex Events. It’s getting patched on …

: Tonight is for cake. Dolly Parton banana pudding cake.

: What are people on iOS using for calendars? We are deeply missing Business Calendar 2. Why does …

: I need to play with Fantastical more, but I really miss Business Calendar 2 from my Android -> …

: Sorry, you are too tall to ride this ride.

: Moving to the iPhone feels really alien after so many years of vanilla Android Pixel phones. It’s …

: iPhone people, I need guidance Having just bought iPhone 13s, I’m not sure exactly how the Magsafe charging works. My wife …

: Who are airplanes designed for? It’s not for someone 6'5". It’s not for someone a …

: These gentlemen decided to cool off under our trees in the back yard most of the day.

: Peace Lilly in bloom this morning.

: Some days need to start slow with a bunny munching greens in the yard.

: Gold Finches are pure joy.

: I forgot I was on PickleTok because I used to watch a women from Ukraine or something taste pickles. …

: I saw three goldfinches in the back yard today. This fine fellow is from earlier this week as this …

: Podcast listening stats. In reply to @chrisjwilson’s post about listening stats My listening …

: 🔨 ❤️ ⛈️ (Thor: Love & Thunder)

: You do what you do best and you link to the rest. — Austin Kleon

: TikTok is like microdosing on experiences.

: What iPhone does The Large Handed buy in 2022? Wife is getting latest SE model. I’ve enjoyed …

: This albino rock pigeon has been hanging out in my neighborhood for a few days. I always see it at …

: On the bird front, our bright yellow flowers have attracted Gold Finches! I could not be more …

: The #100DaysOfHomelab has sent me on a renewed path to figure out local DNS for my tinkering and I …

: I wish I had somewhere in my house I could stash my homelab boxen where they would be out of …

: Running away to spend the weekend in Richmond, VA and see Bon Iver Sunday night.

: [sinister music overlaid with jaunty big band music]

: Questions I was not prepared for today: How do we get someone from the International Space Station …

: Super excited to see John Scalzi this weekend at the Gaithersburg (MD) Book Festival! Less excited …

: Once again, I find my job being completely different than what it was a couple of weeks ago. …

: 📷 Day 9: Bloom

: 📷 Day 8: Union The unholy union of 17 Again and Constantine. The sequel I didn’t know I …

: Moved a large entertainment center down some basement stairs singlehandedly. I’m done for the …

: 📷 Day 7: Park Crater Lake National Park was breathtakingly beautiful. We visited July ‘21 and …

: Joe Ledger is my first love. But Jack Reacher can be fun too. Love reading about little podunk towns …

: 📷 Day 6: Silhouette

: 📷 Day 5: Earth The Place of a Thousand Drips, Smoky Mountain National Park

: 📷 Day 4: Thorny Haven’t killed this little one yet.

: 📷 Day 3: Experimental Tried walking downstairs without ducking. Did not go well.

: 📷 Day 3: Experimental Walking downstairs without ducking. Experiment failed.

: 📷 Day 2: Photo Following directions (from 2019 before the end times).

: Get back from a weekend trip, then a week off due to getting Covid on said weekend trip. Today get …

: 📷 Day 1: Switch around how the dishes are loaded. I love this dishwasher.

: Playing a game of “What bird are you?” eBird is stumped. My best guess is some kind of …

: I’m having a surreal conversation with Doordash. They insist I have no account. Yet, I …

: I am day-to-day with an upper body injury.

: I just had a stranger sit down next to me and say “so we meet again.” Am I an NPC in his …

: Did you know the National Arboretum in DC has a Bald Eagle nest with cameras? National Arboretum …

: Moonpie General Store and Book Warehouse This is a real place and is now at …

: 🍿 The French Dispatch (The part I had fallen asleep to a few weeks ago.) French Splatter School …

: Gatlinburg, TN ahoy Going to Gatlinburg, TN for a long weekend. Booked this trip purely to: Stay in a cabin decorated …

: I wrote an API spec for work. Today I ran it for the first time and we got real data back.

: Is the Android app eating my posts?

: Roman Mars walks into a bar and holds up two fingers. The waiter brings him 5 drinks. He was using …

: Finished reading: Press Reset by Jason Schreier 📚 Another look at the turbulent video game industry. …

: 📷 We have a small desk in our house. It is where the plants live. My wife has carefully tended to …

: Finished reading: The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi 📚 Listened to the audiobook. …


: My wife repainted our downstairs bathroom this color. Starless Night. And all I can think about is …

: So out of the blue my wife says to me, “………so the thing about this serial …

: Wife’s sister was given tickets to the Capitals game tonight. She invited us to go and we had …

: shares a space with my Tumblr use of yesteryear. I see it as a stream of neat people. I …

: Someone in my life has crappy parents One of them reinforced that crappiness today with a “10 …

: I’ll be sure to tell him.

: MoviePass is back — and it wants to track your eyeballs “I love product placement in movies,” …

: 📸 Robins having a pool party. They make me want a hot tub.

: The American Robins were out in the yard this morning. This has given me hope.

: Woke up this morning to a hawk high up in the trees being harassed by a Blue Jay screaming …

: Stardew Valley: In The Deep Woods… :wumpscut:: Maiden …

: No, you played Stardew Valley until 2am with your wife and her sick sister to keep her company from …

: 🎙️Podcast listeners, where are you listening to podcasts? What app are you using? Is there something …

: Monday Morning Sys Admin - Google Mail and 3G End-of-life Move personal domain email from Google back to Dreamhost. I was grandfathered into their Google for …

: 📺 The Silent Sea on Netflix. Superbly paced, Korean scifi on the moon.

: Don’t say no, make an unreasonable demand “If you’re going to quit, make an unreasonable demand. …

: Why you should have a blog (and write in it) Writing is a way of sharing knowledge and a way to …

: Origin of teetotaler Turner, a member of the Preston Temperance Society, who, having an impediment of speech, in …

: Fake or Fortune? 📺 Fell down a Fake or Fortune? hole tonight when I found it on Amazon Prime. There are apparently 9 …

: 📺 Finished Search Party tonight. Each season was its own incredible journey. This final fifth season …

: Finished reading: Seek You by Kristen Radtke 📚 Read it in a lazy Sunday afternoon laying on a giant …

: Anyone have a tip for webcam placement for a large single monitor? Trying to help my wife with her …

: Instapaper feels truly dead. Where are people going for read later services? My main use case is …

: 📺 The new season of Succession is making me forget what I enjoyed about the last season of …

: 📺 Maid (Netflix) It was 10 episodes of a good cry. Very powerful and superbly acted.

: 📺 Maid is incredibly good but hard to watch television. I am completely hooked on this story.

: The Righteous Gemstones is a work of art. The second season is shaping up to be absolutely …

: What Your Favorite Sad Dad Band Says About You - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency Bon Iver Perhaps the …

: The white on white text is exciting. Is there a setting I can toggle?

: Hello from for Android!…

: Good Evening 🦌

: I tell him, “My last boyfriend was a guy named Carl, and-” “Tm sorry, Carl?” …

: Welcome to Maryland. It was 60 degrees yesterday. Today we got 6" of snow.

: Finished reading: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers 📚

: Tossing piles of words from dusty local directories into Tiddlywiki.

: There’s a beautiful snow falling and it’s very hard to think about work rather than …

: “NFTs are beanie babies.” —My wife Context: We were talking about the beanie baby craze …

: 🎮 Fallen hard for Craftopia. An early access game on Xbox. It’s Breath of the Wild meets …

: 📺 Star Trek: Discovery has been comfort food at the end of this year. It’s warm, uplifting, …

: Merry Christmas! 🎄 My wife took a series of things we had in the house and made a delicious …

: Merry Christmas Eve! May it be filled with warmth and satisfaction. Unless you’re upside down, …

: Brass Against. A cover(?) band that plays Tool, Deftones, Rage Against the Machine tracks. Learned …

: I’m really curious if by Christmas 2022 if we’re still talking about NFTs and if …

: Finished reading: The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune 📚 Absolutely lovely book. My wife read …

: Looking for a simple Linux app to resize images this morning and found this. Do it right from the …

: My productivity system today can be described as: Amazon’s outage prevented my washing …

: Some guides will have conflicting info because there’s often more than one correct way to do …

: The squirrels are getting mighty big these days.

: I know there are Tiddlywiki nerds here. I want to trash mine and start from scratch. I like the node …

: Wood. Shed. 1/2 cord of firewood delivered today. I’ve got my workout planned for this …

: How Our System Revenges Rest - by Anne Helen Petersen Our days have accumulated tasks and …

: Trying to explain the appeal of TikTok to my dad and stepmother we used this as our example. …

: Beautiful sky tonight at sunset.

: Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. — Anne Lamott

: Finished reading: The 7 1⁄2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton 📚 Recommended by my wife. …

: Took a long walk after work tonight. Had a good time walking at twilight as the sun faded. The Night …

: Ginger Ale. But with caffeine.

: We have had some gorgeous cotton candy sunsets this week.

: Is there no way to edit your own post from either Android app? Neither Dialog nor Gluon offer the …

: Bought Halloween candy. 150 pieces from Costco. We had two small groups of kids. I think my wife and …

: 📷 Day 31: Home

: 📷 Day 30: Red Rocking the Red with Washington Capitals faithful last weekend.

: 📷 Day 29: Cycle

: 📷 Day 28: Underneath

: Meta. Powered by Webex.

: 📷 Day 27: Chaos

: 📷 Day 26: Bliss

: 📷 Day 25: Gravity Time flies and defies. From our trip to MOMA this summer.

: 📷 Day 24: Connection I felt an immediate, strong connection to this mural in Denver. I love the …

: 📷 Day 23: Meaning Visited the American Art Museum and Portrait Gallery in DC. Pretty sure this …

: 📷 Day 22: Rest Dragonfly at rest. It’s hard work flying as a dragon.

: 📷 Day 21: Space Space. At Sunset.

: 📷 Day 20: Sports Axe Throwing in Brad Pit in Stumpy’s. When you fill out the waiver, one of …

: 📷 Day 19: Mirror From my grandmother’s house.

: 📷 Day 18: Finished

: 📷 Day 17: Compass Different mountain peaks in Oregon.

: 📷 Day 16: Rotation Add a rotation to your photos. Similar to the idea of “turn around and take …

: 📷 Day 15: Ethereal Hiking through the foggy fall trees.

: 📷 Day 14: Wheels So. Many. Delicious. Wheels. We braved the fair one night this summer. We rewarded …

: Carl and the Meaning of Life A wonderful co-worker just shared this book with me. Carl and the Meaning of Life. Her son brought …

: 📷 Day 13: Animals This Dove from this morning will do nicely. Enjoy your day. Enjoy your dove.

: 📷 Day 12: Legend This house is absolutely legendary. I saw it driving by and had to detour to visit …

: 📷 Day 11: hygge (The first word I had to look up.) I feel like this hotel room from our stay in NYC …

: 📷 Day 10: Bridge A bridge we visited in Oregon that was closed to traffic and terrifying to walk …

: 📷 Day 9: Safe Baby bunny. That is not a safe place.

: 📷 Day 8: Twlilight

: 📷 Day 7: Spice Turkey legs. Dry rubbed and grilled low and slow. I can taste this picture. And …

: 📷 M&M Holder by Logitech It was very thoughtful of them to include.

: 📷 Day 6: Street Passenger in a car riding towards the bridge in I-295 near Richmind, VA many years …

: 📷 Day 5: Toy This toy octopus is my co-pilot. I love 🐙!

: 📷 Day 4 of #mboct My wife and I at a recent wedding looking Sharp.

: The majority of people are waiting in line. 📷 Day 3 of #mboct

: Reading in the dark with a handsfree Kindle setup. 📷 Day 2: Dark #mboct

: 📷 Zion National Park touched my soul. Day 1 of #mboct

: Read It Later post Instapaper? I can’t keep paying for Instapaper Premium on Android in good faith. It’s buggy and …

: Being the DRI of Your Career – Accidentally in Code Distinguish what your employer rents versus …

: This is amazing and I loved every bit of it. Someone Dead Ruined My Life… Again. - YouTube The level …

: The National Portrait Gallery is a stunning building filled with mini history lessons disguised as …

: Mary and Max 🍿 Went into this blind. (It’s on a poster of 100 movie bucket list where there’s a scratch …

: Today in photos Today in photos We had a Sandwhich at our favorite weekend Sandwhich shop. Found a miniature train …

: Does anyone have a habit tracker they like? I’m looking for one that will work for Android and …

: Jung Kim has come a long way from Handy Car Rental to Marvel Super Hero.

: My wife starting watching a show called Kevin Can Fuck Himself because Annie Murphy (Alexis Schitt) …

: Money Heist on Netflix is really satisfying heist drama.

: “I’ll buy an 8th generation iPad.” —Stupid man who tries to buy a thing during a …

: Unified Theory of Text Solving the “where did I put that” problem of text. I love Nextcloud. It’s a …

: Does anyone have a list of special characters in names? I’m trying to get to the bottom of …

: Any Product Manager types in range of this post? Come work with me! We’re looking for a Senior …

: Between the heat emergency warnings and the severe thunderstorm was a brief moment of bee peeping.

: Come Work With Me! Need a Webex/Zoom SME! We’re looking to hire a SME for Zoom and Webex. What’s a SME? Subject Matter Expert. …

: When I have to return to the office, I may have some demands.

: Love from belief, not fear Sunday Soother: Do you love from belief, or from fear? I believe you can start that creative …

: The ability to pause an app for the day is an Android feature I make good use of when they become …

: Northern Mockingbird. This bird has been visiting my yard on and off for the past few months. But I …

: The second treat today was seeing a pile of birdseed in the corner of a local parking lot. There …

: Today’s bird treat was seeing an entire flock of Red winged blackbirds at Brookside Gardens …

: Walking into Chick Fil-a tonight, my wife and I find our table and set her phone on the number. This …

: Work: You’re doing the jobs of two people. Which part would you like to keep and we will hire …

: Know anyone in the Gaithersburg/Rockville, MD area (DC suburb) that would love to administer and …

: Not bad, Oregon

: Waited for the sun to go down then took the longer version of the walk nobody knows about with my …

: I just watched Tenet. What a fun ride through time and events. .stneve dna emit hguorht edir nuf a …

: Working my way through the Jerry Bruckheimer Criminal Justice Cinematic Universe.

: I do not need a Kindle Oasis. I do not need a Kindle Oasis. I do not need a Kindle Oasis…

: I’m leaving for my first trip out of the area since 2019 tomorrow. How many clothes do I need? …

: Work/Life Harmony Rather than aiming for balance, we should aim for harmony. All the areas of our life are like voices …

: Search Party is an incredible ride. Just finished our multi-day binge of all four Seasons of show …

: 📺 Search Party on HBO It’s… Hard to describe. It’s a wild ride of a show. My wife …

: I hope Stitcher never sends Roman Mars the jingle. Listening to him sing the jingle at the end of …

: I hope Stitcher never sends Roman Mars the jingle. Listening to him sing the jingle at the end of …

: 🍿 Love Death + Robots I may have accidentally watched all of the new episodes in Netflix and greatly …

: 📚 Finished Lee Child’s Tripwire. And right on time Running Blind (by Lee Child) has shown up …

: Introducing the Posting Bookmarklet – Colin Devroe Posting to using the …

: Chrome intermittently deciding not to handle Zoom Webinar links has made for a fun day.

: Northern Flicker 📷 🐦 I’ve seen different woodpeckers in my yard before. This is the first time …

: 📺 Milo the Goat is the true hero of Shadow and Bone.

: An Ode to the People in My Workout Video… So good I read this …

: An Ode to the People in My Workout Video… So good I read this …

: An Ode to the People in My Workout Video… So good I read this …

: Highlight of my day, a gold finch visited my bird bath.

: Reached the point in my product launch I need to translate nerd to human.

: Walked through Brookside Gardens this afternoon. It never disappoints.

: I was reminded this morning that much of technical support work is to continue trying something …

: I greatly enjoy sending pictures like this to my sister-in-law who’s husband has to leave the …

: NHL.TV Subscription ✓ ExpressVPN subscription ✓ Watching the Washingtron Capitals while living near …

: Exhausting holding these meetings with my team of Selves.

: The doves were out in force today.

: Artist Christine Sun Kim Rewrites Closed Captions | Pop-Up Magazine I watch almost everything with …

: How am I only just now learning you can boot a Raspberry Pi 3b+ from USB? I thought it was only the …

: 🍿 Shadow in the Clouds is to Chloe Grace Moretz as Crank is to Jason Statham.

: TV rights to the local 🏒 team being sold again. Debating going with ExpressVPN and Because …

: Wish List: But hosted in Nextcloud.

: Dropped Pixel 3aXL in water. It was not pleased. Replaced with Pixel 4a. Pixel 3aXL recovered after …

: I would happily pay to have more hats for my cameras. The cowboy hat that came with my Wyze outdoor …

: Second time backups have saved my bacon in Proxmox. Friendly reminder, if you value your work, your …

: My wife is having to use Microsoft Teams for a client and when she rotated her phone, the …

: 📚 Ready Player Two! My Library rental showed up last night so I’m listening to Wil Wheaton …

: 🏒 Hockey is back. 🏒

: Enjoying a John Mulaney marathon in Netflix tonight. From his deliver to his prancing, he’s …

: It gets real when the mobile alerts come through on my phone about DC curfew and public transit …

: 📺 Atypical (Netflix) Such a sweet series. Nik Dodani as Zahid is a far greater character than he …

: Walked into qdoba tonight to pickup two quesadillas and…

: Home for Christmas is a wonderful series on Netflix. It’s Norwegian. Watch it without dubbing. …

: Youtube-DL users, How do you tell the status of downloads? For now I send them to my NAS and watch …

: I started reading For The Win by Cory Doctorow and have not been able to put it down.

: Be the sleepy Dove you want to see in the world.

: Time to replace Halloween birds with Christmas birds.

: Beautiful day for a (masked) walk. Busy day with some kind of scout event going on with waaay to …

: 🦌friends visited this morning.

: 📷

: Activists Turn Facial Recognition Tools Against the Police - The New York Times Facial Recognition …

: Is there any way in 2020 to keep mail as unread in Apple Mail until I open it or manually mark as …

: “We have Peacock now Carl. We get to watch all of the ads!” – My wife, trying to …

: I love to see the bumbles hunkered down for the night on my dahlias.

: Had some visitors this morning.

: Sat on the fence too long. Put my money where my media is. Signed up for an account. To celebrate, …

: Nerds. There will be plenty of devices for everyone. The PS5 will have a long life. The new Apple …

: It is fall.

: The only reason to have Facebook is to keep tabs on your parents before a visit to make sure they're …

: A Genuine Labor Day Miracle I can actually now use the Internet the way it’s currently being used by people — still slower than …

: The sky and clouds were beautiful. The wind was stiff and constant all day. Sea gulls were hovering …

: 07/30/2020 09:36:05 PM Black leaves. Red berries.

: 07/30/2020 09:32:51 PM Lilly

: 07/30/2020 09:29:15 PM Hummingbird

: 07/30/2020 09:27:23 PM Dahlia

: 07/30/2020 09:23:22 PM Dahlia

: Flan Flan in repose. Flan in preparation Flan Gone

: 07/13/2020 07:31:21 PM Dahlia

: 07/13/2020 07:19:06 PM Hibiscus

: 07/10/2020 09:26:35 PM Confidence and walking swiftly and importantly are two keys to success for tech folks. The first …

: 06/27/2020 10:02:50 PM I love every single part of this story. “During my walks I collected data on the visible address …

: 🌵 Two cacti sunning themselves.

: 05/28/2020 06:55:17 PM

: 05/28/2020 01:48:10 AM It’s been a day. I’m thankful to have more.

: 05/26/2020 09:22:02 PM It has been 0 days since a bird feeder accident.

: 05/25/2020 10:42:24 AM

: 05/24/2020 08:09:12 PM Catbird & European Starling

: 05/23/2020 08:35:02 PM Stealth Dove

: 05/23/2020 08:33:56 PM 🐿️

: potatoes 🥔 🥔

: Silly Friday iPad testing

: shaggy grackle This poor grackle needs a haircut too. Looking shabby.

: 05/21/2020 01:19:49 AM Thanks for the refill! 🐿️

: 04/20/2020 09:57:16 PM [gallery type=“rectangular” ids=“758,757,756,754,755,753”] Tonight’s …

: 04/16/2020 12:48:34 AM Yahtzee! I rolled three of them. It was ridiculous. My best game of Yahtzee. Ever. I'm not sure …

: 04/11/2020 09:19:32 PM Totally normal grocery store trip. We picked up most of what we were looking for. Idly thought …

: 04/11/2020 05:53:25 PM Cinammon Rolls and bacon Two Xboxes & Two TVs Scenes from Coronavirus.

: 04/09/2020 03:29:23 PM Today I have been: - Technical Support - Webinar Support - Emotional Support What I have not done is …

: 04/08/2020 08:10:40 PM Doing a better job than most humans I saw today.

: 04/07/2020 05:41:55 PM So… Webex chats stopped working. Only private chats work. No groups like All Attendees or All …

: 04/06/2020 07:02:41 PM I woke up at 8. Started work about 9. Looked up at noon, hungry. My wife came in at 5. To tell me it …

: 04/04/2020 08:33:23 PM New Quarantine Skill. Determining which Home Depot is least busy and thus has the shortest line for …

: 04/01/2020 04:35:08 PM Anyone have any experience running large webinars? 5,000 - 10,000 participants. We do 1,000 - 3,000 …

: Share Your Successful Cover Letter Has anyone shared a cover letter that landed them a job? I don’t necessarily mean it was the …

: 02/24/2020 12:57:18 PM “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to." – Jean-Luc Godard

: Birthday Happy Birthday to me! I splurged and got myself a new job working in the private sector. No more …

: Floors Floor excavations brought to you by overflowing washing machine. I’m up to 6 layers between …

: Best backpack I saw this amazing back pack at the airport. It’s amazing!

: Obligatory California Meal

: 12/29/2019 09:10:35 PM MillennialLifeCrisis offers up a good reminder about Doin' it for the gram… Sometimes those …

: Stink bug with a death wish

: Deer eating out of bird feeder

: 12/28/2019 12:31:12 PM Today’s walk felt good. A nice mid 50° day after Christmas and before the new year. I needed …

: A year of drawing - Austin Kleon I find it remarkable, at this point, how drawing for him still has nothing to do with the results. …

: 12/02/2019 04:44:22 PM Joshua Specter linked to a post in his newsletters saying When You Follow Someone New On Social …

: 12/01/2019 07:19:42 PM Helping my dad sort his house for sale. I came across some treasures.

: The Redskins have done the unthinkable and lost Washington - The Washington Post Washington has discovered that champions can live here. So why tolerate, let alone support, an …

: Pokemon: Roku Reboot Edition Is your Roku acting up after buying Pokemon Sword or Shield? Apparently the Pokemon game on your …

: Maine

: 11/08/2019 09:10:33 AM Do not try to update your router’s firmware at 11pm. It could brick your router and after …

: 11/04/2019 12:51:58 PM [caption id=“attachment_581” align=“aligncenter” width=“976”] …

: 10/31/2019 11:22:50 PM I feel like I’ve written about this before - can’t remember whether it was here or not, but when …

: 10/28/2019 09:54:13 AM If you’re looking for a less anxious November, CJ is going to post 30 tips in 30 days to …

: 10/20/2019 03:04:37 PM [caption id=“attachment_562” align=“aligncenter” width=“700”] …

: 10/02/2019 12:19:20 AM Spookster and Cackles The newest additions to my collection of Birds in Hats.

: Sears Bodies There’s a Sears store going out of business and there is a wide variety of body parts for …

: Solar Home We had our solar system installed today. No more roof just hanging around not contributing to the …

: 09/22/2019 07:22:09 PM Almost didn’t make it into the parking deck. The attendant apologized to me as I had to duck …

: Tiny scientists The FDA has a wall covered in tiny scientists.

: 09/18/2019 08:36:11 PM

: 09/11/2019 04:59:49 PM This is my house.

: 09/11/2019 03:30:01 PM Absolutely loving these glitch flower paintings.

: 09/06/2019 08:25:51 PM “Waze says 19 minutes. We’re doing it in 7.” —Booksmart

: Bees

: Mobil Mobil(e) Gasoline. Bringing the pumps to you!

: Leopold This is Leopold. He was stationed at Maine’s Fort Knox. The only fort I’ve ever visited …

: Two Scoops I present you the art installation “two scoops” as performed by Downeast Ice Cream …

: Young's Lobster Pound No lobster roll today. Whale watching trip was cancelled due to rain. Puffin trip cancelled due to …

: 08/29/2019 09:34:28 AM Lobster Roll #3 Ordered with a shrimp roll and a haddock sandwich. All were very good. And despite …

: Operation Crustacean The plan for vacation is off to a good start.

: 08/14/2019 09:54:42 AM… I published my own thoughts on Luke Smith’s post about Destiny 2 …

: Simple Stoicism Good post on Stoicism - I found from a comment on Potatowire’s site Boiling it down …

: 08/03/2019 08:28:57 PM My car has a backup camera now. It seems like a good product. The instructions were non-existent. I …

: 07/28/2019 01:31:18 PM I watched Another Life on Netflix. I enjoyed the journey and hope there is more to this world. 📺

: 07/26/2019 01:35:24 PM Provide general program information and/or general position overview. Example: The [Name] Group at …

: 📗Digital Minimalism 👍 This is a slow read because I keep stopping to take notes. It’s so good and reflects where I …

: Desk upgrade I love my Ikea Skarsta desk. It’s a hand-crank adjustable desk meant for sitting or standing. …

: Hosting Looking to move on from Dreamhost where I’ve been for over a decade. It seems they’re …

: Sandwinch Sandwinch. Noun. Usage: “I can make any kind of sandwinch. Turkey sandwinch. Peanut butter …

: 07/12/2019 10:49:35 PM Just booked a trip to Belfast, Maine. There are so many weird attractions. I can’t wait to see them …

: 07/11/2019 06:35:36 PM I would book a place to stay offering nightly thunderstorms under a tin roof for vacation. I grew up …

: 07/07/2019 12:32:22 PM

: 26km Week I don’t know what the reward is for walking over 25om in a week. But this is the first time …

: Comcastic! That feeling when a Comcast line comes down in a storm. You struggle to get them out to fix it …

: 07/05/2019 12:02:52 AM 📺 I have finished Stranger Things Season 3. I have many feelings. It’s a great arc and a …

: 07/04/2019 08:30:21 PM If we had 3 or 4 kids from the 80s we’d have all of our problems solved in about 90 minutes.

: 07/03/2019 12:23:37 AM I love seeing the woodpeckers at the suet feeders.

: 07/01/2019 10:55:47 PM 📚I finished reading Robert Caro’s Working. An interesting peek into his obsessive curiosity.

: 06/26/2019 03:15:33 PM The only people who want to be free are those who have committed a crime. The rest of us incarcerate …

: Mysterium & Fluxx Played Mysterium tonight with Reesa and Michelle and had an absolute blast. (Sorry you missed out …

: Dredgen This post will be gibberish to most people. Pretend it says “blah blah blah video games” …

: First Dahlia of the year First Dahlia of the year.

: Patio Project Four hours of Tiller rental from Home Depot. 850 pounds of sand. 2220 pounds of pavers. 1 ton of pea …

: Strange Bird The strange bird was back again today.

: 06/10/2019 02:01:23 PM [caption id=“attachment_350” align=“aligncenter” width=“700”] …

: 06/08/2019 10:10:22 PM Hauled concrete to dump. Picked up free mulch. (The county makes it out of the trees they shred.) …

: 05/31/2019 10:21:49 PM Instagram’s app is full of ads. Every 3 pictures I get an ad. When I open it in a browser, no …

: My Simple Space – WordPress plugin Disk Space, Database and Memory Usage in the dashboard. Source: My Simple Space – WordPress plugin | …

: Snuggled wife My beautiful wife in her natural state.

: Tale of Two Birds [caption id=“attachment_323” align=“aligncenter” width=“700”] …

: 05/24/2019 02:52:55 AM Love the 3am Smoke Alarm Polka. I can reach my own ceilings. I would hate to have to drag a …

: Feathered friends It’s been a great joy to watch the different birds visit my backyard feeders. Here are a few …

: What? Who? Me? It was like that when I got here!

: Xbox Guts My Xbox One started making a whining sound like the hard drive was dying so I took it apart. …

: Hangover Skillet Saturday morning we walked to the Town Center to see an art festival. After that, we decided to try …

: A Conspiracy To Kill IE6 IE6 users represented around 18% of our user base at that point. We understood that we could not …

: Mushroom Kingdom

: Ryan There were so many goslings tonight around the lake where we walked! There were at least three …

: 04/30/2019 12:54:09 PM… Trying out this plugin in conjunction with Micro.Blog posting.

: Suet Feeder Friend The Suet feeders I put up have attracted a greater variety of prettier birds to my yard.

: 5 On It The movie Us does not disappoint. It's a haunting film and the soundtrack plays a major part in …

: Austin Kleon ➡️ Keep Going Saw Austin Kleon speak at Politics & Prose last night. I left motivated to make changes in my …

: Treeset

: King King Neptune presides over the Virginia Beach boardwalk.

: Yard work Took a load of concrete to the dump. Edged a new bed where the Blackberry and Raspberry bushes live. …

: Sapiens 📖 Making my way through Sapiens and utterly delighted by how accessible it is. I’m only 284 …

: Take a photo for nature I wrote about Chronolog on my other blog. …

: Creek Walk Took a nice 2.5 mile walk along a creek today with my wife. She sprained her ankle coming down steps …

: Peach blossom

: Taxes could be painless Planet Money #760 Tax Hero The taxes in the United States could be far easier. However, the billion …

: Zettlr Found Zettlr today and I think I’ve found a home for my personal knowledge base. …

: 04/03/2019 09:28:20 AM 🍿 Watched US last night. 🍿 It was suspenseful, tense and deeply creepy. Jordan Peele can tell a …

: New Bird Look at this glorious guy. Clearance from Target.

: Annie In Repose

: 03/28/2019 07:14:29 PM Dinner might be late.

: We Are Legion (We Are Bob): Bobiverse, Book 1 <span style=“color:rgb(102,102,102); font-family:” …

: 03/25/2019 08:32:54 AM Walking through Georgetown with my wife and father we passed this tree. I had to stop and admire it.

: 03/22/2019 09:56:01 PM Malcolm Gladwell is giving a keynote at the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. …

: 03/22/2019 09:53:31 PM Last night I went to bed about 7:30pm. Tonight I was asleep by 8:30pm.

: 03/19/2019 07:56:56 PM Hug your furnace. Mine didn’t work for 48 hours.

: Leprechaun Trap Built a Leprechaun Trap with my nephew this past weekend. It has a path of golden arrows leading …

: 03/16/2019 12:39:09 PM Watching a 6 year old experience forgetting to save the game and replaying Cerulean City’s gym …

: 03/15/2019 07:29:55 AM I wrote about starting my first podcast with two friends.

: 03/13/2019 09:55:49 PM Social Media.

: 03/11/2019 07:59:10 PM Woke up this morning to some fuzzy friends in the back yard. They stayed all day. I went out to talk …

: Furnace

: 03/07/2019 09:08:19 PM My Dell T20 tower server has arrived from eBay today. Now I just need time to set it up, move drives …

: … And Then We Got Mario Kart Tattoos | By Braden Holtby Whether I stop the puck or it goes in, I do the same thing afterward. I squirt the water bottle and …

: 03/02/2019 06:55:35 PM During dinner, I looked up and see this on the wall. I may have had dinner in The Good Place.

: 02/28/2019 10:57:35 PM Optimistic flowers.

: 02/26/2019 08:42:36 PM Couldn’t figure out what this was for. I do feel ISB needs our support but I don’t …

: Caps Game vs Rangers We made it!

: 02/23/2019 01:53:32 PM My favorite hockey players were born in the 1990s! I don't know how to feel about this.

: 02/19/2019 02:21:41 AM My wife made Spaghetti Squash Lasagna Boat from Pinch of Yum tonight and they were incredible. The …

: 02/18/2019 09:53:10 PM New toy has arrived. Spent tonight rearranging the “smart” part of my home. 

: 02/16/2019 06:14:17 PM Finished Russian Doll on Netflix and was delighted in how they took repeating everyday and gave it …

: Skills for Kills, Agent This is how I will describe the Crackdown series to people unfamiliar with it. I do the things that …

: Raise the Rooster Titan from Destiny 2 holding a glowing chicken. Test of publishing from WordPress to Instagram.

: 02/13/2019 11:48:27 PM Installed accordian lights above the bed tonight. There has never been enough light for reading …

: 02/13/2019 03:59:43 AM Bedroom smoke detector decided 3:40 am was a good time to alert me it needed a new battery. Of …

: 02/12/2019 12:34:40 AM Happy Birthday to me! 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂

: 02/11/2019 09:54:00 PM… Made this pork ramen tonight. Super easy and so flavorful. Highly …

: 02/10/2019 06:15:34 PM

: 02/07/2019 03:25:08 PM RIP MoviePass. We had a good run. I paid for you about a year ago through Costco for $99. In that …

: 02/07/2019 03:04:50 PM Why CAPTCHAs have gotten so difficult - The Verge Figuring out how to fix those blurry image quizzes …

: 02/07/2019 03:01:09 PM []( …

: Love Work Why Are Young People Pretending to Love Work? - The New York Times If Millennials are supposedly …

: Big Five Block Reporter Kashmir Hill spent six weeks blocking Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple from …

: Sick

: TEST Testing...

: This is where I want to be. So I am getting this setup.

: Hello World.