Bask in the glow


🥔 🥔

Silly Friday iPad testing

shaggy grackle

This poor grackle needs a haircut too. Looking shabby.

05/21/2020 01:19:49 AM

Thanks for the refill! 🐿️

04/20/2020 09:57:16 PM

[gallery type=“rectangular” ids=“758,757,756,754,755,753”]

Tonight’s walk took us to a new part of the neighborhood. It was a beautiful with trees and shrubs in bloom. As the sun set, the light was perfect and the colors spectacular.

A good walk always lasts longer than you intend. Tonight was a good walk.

04/16/2020 12:48:34 AM

Yahtzee! I rolled three of them. It was ridiculous.

My best game of Yahtzee. Ever.

I'm not sure what luck I'll miss out on having used it all on this game.

04/11/2020 09:19:32 PM

Totally normal grocery store trip. We picked up most of what we were looking for. Idly thought "maybe we'll get a pizza." Nope.

Decided to check out the toilet paper aisle just for fun and... Nothing.

We also made a trip to Panera for bagels since our local bagelry is closed. Added some fancy bread because sometimes you need to see new foods to get you through the week.

Safeway reminds you to keep your distance.
Pizza? Pizzno.


04/11/2020 05:53:25 PM

Cinammon Rolls and bacon
Two Xboxes & Two TVs

Scenes from Coronavirus.

04/09/2020 03:29:23 PM

Today I have been:
- Technical Support
- Webinar Support
- Emotional Support

What I have not done is take any time for myself. It's vitally important as we give to others, we take some time for ourselves.

Hang in there.

04/08/2020 08:10:40 PM

Doing a better job than most humans I saw today.

04/07/2020 05:41:55 PM

So… Webex chats stopped working. Only private chats work. No groups like All Attendees or All Panelists. Not even “Panelist” or “Host. You must select the specific person to chat to. Or they simply fail to display, or send.

04/06/2020 07:02:41 PM

I woke up at 8. 

Started work about 9. 

Looked up at noon, hungry.

My wife came in at 5.

To tell me it was 5.

04/04/2020 08:33:23 PM

New Quarantine Skill.

Determining which Home Depot is least busy and thus has the shortest line for entry when you need to replace toilet parts.

04/01/2020 04:35:08 PM

Anyone have any experience running large webinars? 5,000 - 10,000 participants. We do 1,000 - 3,000 routinely

I’m looking for best practices, pitfalls when running things that big. Anything I should be planning for or aware of when the numbers get that big?

RT’s appreciated. DMs open.

Share Your Successful Cover Letter

Has anyone shared a cover letter that landed them a job?

I don’t necessarily mean it was the deciding factor, but when you applied, you eventually got the job.

I’m curious to see what a successful cover letter looks like. So many people give advice of writing a good cover letter, but I’ve not often seen what a good cover letter looks like.

Anyone have an experience or example to share?

02/24/2020 12:57:18 PM

“It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to."
– Jean-Luc Godard


Happy Birthday to me!

I splurged and got myself a new job working in the private sector. No more contracting to the government. 🎉


Floor excavations brought to you by overflowing washing machine. I’m up to 6 layers between vapor barrier, tiles, floor, subfloor and carpet.

Wasn’t planning to start project Remove All Carpet. But wet floors are good motivation.

Best backpack

I saw this amazing back pack at the airport. It’s amazing!

Obligatory California Meal

12/29/2019 09:10:35 PM

MillennialLifeCrisis offers up a good reminder about Doin' it for the gram…

Sometimes those cliff-hanging dare devils are only daring with their photo cropping skills.

Stink bug with a death wish

Stink bug on a soap dispenser.

Deer eating out of bird feeder

Two deer eating out of a hanging bird feeder.

12/28/2019 12:31:12 PM

Today’s walk felt good. A nice mid 50° day after Christmas and before the new year.

Google Fit stats for a 3.4 mile walk over 85 minutes.

I needed to get up and take a walk this morning. I set out along a nice road paralleling train tracks so there’s no cross streets.

Tree stump as fence post.

I passed a stump holding up part of a fence in a small yard.

Telephone poll with smiley face spray painted on.

A friendly pole did its job holding up power and communication lines without complaint.

Old brick building.

Near the Midway point of my walk I passed the Bowen & Company, Inc site. I love old signs on buildings. There’s fewer around as the areas get developed and turned into luxury services or condos.

Across the street is a Pure Barre studio.

A year of drawing - Austin Kleon

I find it remarkable, at this point, how drawing for him still has nothing to do with the results. He does not care what you do with his drawings after he’s done making them. How he draws is intense and adorable at the same time: he will put down a few lines, and then stand back and shake while he admires them.

Source: A year of drawing - Austin Kleon

Some of my favorite things are drawings my nephew has made for me. I display “Pizza Whale” on my office wall and admire it often.