Bask in the glow

I love reading on my Kindle Oasis for its buttons that let me use it left-handed.

I am deeply frustrated at how bad everything else is around Kindle.

This is how I would like to spend the winter as well.

Bee sleeping in the middle of a yellow and orange dahlia flower.

First fire of the season.

I had Instagram recommend I follow… myself. And I don’t knoww how to feel about it.

Screenshot of instagram recommending accounts with two hidden and it showing my own account as one of them.

The sunset tonight was beautiful.

Sunset over house with trees. Sunset with dark clouds over street and row of houses.


I’ve seen a number of people posting their default apps and thought I’d jump in to the fun too. It’s something I’ve been thinking about and how many of the defaults I use are truly defaults.

I would do very poorly if I were “competing” in Hemispheric Views 097 - Duel of the Defaults! because many of the default options on the device or platform aren’t what I am using. For many categories I use a number of things because 1) I can never be content 2) There’s always a new shiny object to chase. Notes being the biggest area. Having recently given up SimpleNote, Google Keep and Joplin and trying to simplify with… three different apps.

Moving from Android to iOS in the past year is why most of my photos are in Google Photos but more recently newer ones are in Apple Photos. But I’m also looking at other options, using Nextcloud for storage and Photoprism/Immich for organizing them.

It will be fun to look back on this list and see how many of them are still in use.

I always wait too long Robb Knight is even maintaining a list of people who are joining in.

It’s Thursday and that means.

Time to clean up Halloween and get ready for fall decorations (birds) since it’s not quite Christmas decor time.


A group of about 20 different fabric birds standing about 6 1/2 inches tall wearing various Halloween costumes in front of a sign saying Evaluation Center for Disturbed Women.

I will never get tired of watching the city come collect large items with their skill crane truck.

Large truck with a claw on an arm picking up box springs and placing into the back.

This Ken’s job is Meetings.

Set my phone near the bird feeder at my dad’s place and used the watch as a remote shutter. Captured some lovely images. Like this Tufted Titmouse (left) and Chickadee (right).

Tufted titmouse on the left and a chickadee on the right of a bird feeder.

Milkweed or something like that spilling out of a seed pod.

Fluffy milkweed seeds spilling out of a pod.

Autumn has arrived. Walked by this tree recently. I had to stop and enjoy it.

Huge tree with green and orange leaves in the setting sun.

No matter what, the moment you pick to run that one errand you need to do before 5pm will inevitably be the same time your biggest client has an issue and your phone starts blowing up.

I have to give credit to Lucidchart. I watched this entire video without a single thought that it might be an ad.…

I feel dirty now. It’s so well done and I love absurdity like this.

Well done.

Kindle app: Here’s your streak! Look at it!

Also Kindle: Whoopsie, you didn’t read and lost your streak. Never mind I just synced your progress from yesterday, when you read. But you didn’t read. And now your streak is broken.

Ruby (left) and Ginger (right) are ready for their day out on the town.

I was not prepared for how fluffy Ruby was. I had only seen photos online and when she arrived this morning, I was delighted at how soft and fluffy this sweet bird felt.

Ruby, a red bird with large red sunglasses and a red scarf standing next to Ginger, a red bird in a white hat and white scarf holding a wrapped present.

There’s some event in town nearby and there’s spotlights dancing across the sky.

Cloudy night with steaks of light from a spotlight moving over the clouds.

As close as I can tell, the AI Revolution means there’s a little icon in my work apps that looks either like * or ✨offering to “summarize” or “define” things for me. But not really because it has to be enabled. So it’s a useful button that’s annoying. That takes me to a page all about their AI. 🤖

Snap has arrived. I love collecting these little birds.

I replaced the wheels on my desk chair I bought second hand.
I now have rollerblade wheels which fit perfectly but caused too problems.
First, it’s way too much fun to zoom around on them.
Second, my office is not level so the chair rolls on its own.

Taylor Swift stalked acrosss the stage for 3 hours and it was a beautiful catharsis for us and the ladies who were dancing and singing along.

Absolutely love it.

Waking up tomorrow and recording a Destiny 2 podcast then going to the Taylor Swift Eras Movie.

I am mildly afraid. 🍿 💃

There’s something magical about moving all of the 1s and 0s to another place and it just working.

I replaced the drive in my desktop last night as my 256GB was filling and now I have 1TB of space. And it was painless. Except for that One tiny screw.

Nothing like falling in love with a song and checking out the rest of the album only to find it’s nothing like the one song you love.

Drowning Together, Dying Alone by Black Light Burns

Once again, I need a greatest hit list of “Quiet Songs from Loud Bands”. It’s possible my favorite genre of music.