Bask in the glow


I’ve had the urge recently to do a major cleanse, dump, or revamp of what I own, what I read, and how I interact with my devices. As I sit here folding clothes on my bed, I’m contemplating whether to empty my drawers and start fresh with the clothing I’ve worn in the last 10 days or two weeks. It’s a mix of work pants, shorts, pajamas, and various shirts. Some items need to be thrown away or don’t fit anymore. It’s time for a big purge to make room for things I actually want to wear.

Similar thoughts extend to my digital life. Today, I reorganized my apps to make them more accessible, realizing it was inefficient to dig through folders. I wish my phone could automatically sort apps based on usage, making it easier to find what I need. It’s frustrating that I have to work to access my own usage data, which I’m sure is being used elsewhere for profit.

These changes reflect a broader shift in how I perceive my identity, both personally and professionally. I’m questioning why I hold onto old habits and belongings that no longer serve me, hindering my growth. This introspection extends to newsletters, tasks, and commitments that accumulate, creating a sense of backlog and unease.

Now, I’m at a crossroads, deciding whether to make incremental or radical changes to align my life with my evolving identity and priorities. I seek catharsis and clarity amidst the chaos of accumulated possessions and commitments that no longer resonate with who I am or who I aim to become.