Bask in the glow

Austin Kleon ➡️ Keep Going

Saw Austin Kleon speak at Politics & Prose last night. I left motivated to make changes in my life I have been putting off.

He's extremely nice and it was great supporting someone I follow so closely online in person.



King Neptune presides over the Virginia Beach boardwalk.

Yard work

It was a cool day with little splashes of rain. A perfect day for the yard work. We have loads of yard waste to dispose of this week. And much better looking beds.

Creek Walk

Took a nice 2.5 mile walk along a creek today with my wife. She sprained her ankle coming down steps onto the trail but she was determined to walk and enjoy the day.

Peach blossom

New Bird

Look at this glorious guy. Clearance from Target.

Annie In Repose

03/28/2019 07:14:29 PM

Dinner might be late.

03/25/2019 08:32:54 AM

Walking through Georgetown with my wife and father we passed this tree. I had to stop and admire it.

03/19/2019 07:56:56 PM

Hug your furnace. Mine didn’t work for 48 hours.

Leprechaun Trap

Built a Leprechaun Trap with my nephew this past weekend. It has a path of golden arrows leading into the trip wire. Then the Leprechaun will fall into the tall section and be trapped there because of the bars on the top. There is fake gold inside to keep him busy.

[caption width=“3000”]This is not a trap. [/caption]

[caption width=“1667”]Fake gold awaits.[/caption]

[caption width=“3000”]Trip wire[/caption]

03/13/2019 09:55:49 PM

Social Media.

03/11/2019 07:59:10 PM

Woke up this morning to some fuzzy friends in the back yard. They stayed all day. I went out to talk to them about rent if they’re going to live here now. 


02/28/2019 10:57:35 PM

Optimistic flowers. 

Caps Game vs Rangers

We made it!

02/18/2019 09:53:10 PM

New toy has arrived. Spent tonight rearranging the “smart” part of my home. 

Raise the Rooster

Titan from Destiny 2 holding a glowing chicken.
Titan from Destiny 2 holding a glowing chicken.

Test of publishing from WordPress to Instagram.

02/13/2019 11:48:27 PM

Installed accordian lights above the bed tonight. There has never been enough light for reading well. No longer!

02/10/2019 06:15:34 PM