Bask in the glow

Your destination has 5 stars on Yelp!

So let me get this straight, you can’t have Siri use anything besides Apple Maps? And it wants to tell me all about Yelp?!

Sorry, Apple, when your maps app routed me to a closed street in DC that had been that way for quite some time by the.. lack of street beyond it, you lost.

The collection grows

PSA New Target birds are out.

The three new ones joined the family tonight. They are roosting with the rest of the Valentine’s Day birds and trees on the mantel.

Remember, when you podcast with people in another country you sometimes need to check the voice channel settings in Discord. It may be set to Rotterdam and explain why your ping is at 3500 ms instead of around 90.

There is a new season of Letterkenny available on Hulu.

I have now watched another season of Letterkenny.

It’s excellent. We are graced with so much Glen. It’s wonderful.

Merry Christmas to all who were woken up early on Christmas Day by an urgent alert from work because someone scheduled a test for 8am on Christmas.

Not sure whether this counts as a pass or fail. But after three automated phone calls, I’m not too happy.

I want to feel this song run through my out of giant speakers.

I’ve become completely obsessed with Until The Ribbon Breaks. The song Goldfish was my intro to them, but I find myself roaming around the house singing 🎵 “Orca, Orca, Orca, there is nothing quite, as black and white as you"🎵

I feel crazy. I hate the text selection and editing on the iPhone. It feels like mush and sometimes I get a select/edit dialog. Sometimes I don’t. It feels broken.

Decorated for Christmas with Target birds. Mondrian bird house ski village, lining the mantle and the “sexy frog” has gotten into the action.

gold frog with leg straight up with Christmas lights. Mondrian bird house with fabric birds from Target. mantle over fireplace with fabric Target birds.

A grown man just sat down next to us in the airport, sipped his Mountain Dew, handed it to his friend and said.

It tastes like a weird Sprite.

Postponed dentist appointment. 🪥 Tooth decides tonight is a good time to start being sensitive. 🦷 / Keenai Alternatives?

In my recent switch from Android to iPhone, I could not find the Keenai app (used to be called Eye.Fi) to allow my wifi-enabled SD card to send photos from my camera to my phone. Very handy for vacations and loading photos without cards readers, adapters or a computer at all.

I started looking into it this morning and learned Keenai shutdown in 2018. The app still works on my Android phone because it relies on the wifi connection between my camera and phone.

However, there’s no wayt to get those photos from camera to iPhone. The camera model I have (Olympus PEN E-PL3) doesn’t support wifi directly so I can’t use Olympus' app. But it does work with the Eyefi SD card.

So for the time being, I will keep my Android phone with the Keenai app loaded since that will work to get photos to a phone, but not my current phone.

Hopefully I can another solution since it was very convenient to send photos directly from my camera to my phone.

Destiny 2 is an apex predator. It goes through content lulls just long enough to make other games think they have a chance. It also served to let journalists write about the New Destiny 2 Killer.

Then Destiny rises up out of the swamps of the Throne World to regain its crown.

I finished season 3 of For All Mankind in Apple TV+.
It’s an alternate history of what happened if the Soviet Union won the space race.
It lives and breathes in the world of danger and drama of astronaut life on and off world. I really enjoyed it.

It’s a bad day at work when I need to summon the trifecta of Carl, Carla and Carlo on the same email thread.

We got a bread maker from a thrift store that is basically new in the box.

But it came with a 250GB hard drive…

I hope it’s full of bread recipes.

Can anyone explain the logic of when the iPhone:

This feels like a mess. Is it or am I missing something?

The best way to lose something - Jack Baty

The best way to lose something is to first over-think where to put it.

I spend my days trying to decide where to put things so I will find them again. Which of the many places for text did I leave this snippet?

Back in the office for our quarterly Town Hall.

It’s weird being in the office.

Took an inexplicable open space between a bathroom and my office and built a wall. Now we are adding shelves on each side.

Office gets a Billy bookcase (because it fit perfectly) and the bathroom gets a Eket drawer (both IKEA) and custom built shelves because nothing is square.

Another year of hockey. Another year of deciding how long I can hold out paying $65/month for YoutubeTV.

(Because the games are on NBC Sports Washington. Which they pulled from Sling and every other service that carries it starts at $65.)

Ubuntu Pro free for 5 users - LivePatch your Linux

Today I Learned Ubuntu made their Ubuntu Pro service available for free up to 5 users from The Homelab Show: Episode 75. I’ve linked it with timestamp on Youtube but it’s just past 35 mins.

I used it for the Kernel Livepatch and it’s Magical.

The sky was lovely tonight.

Finally starting to wrap my head around Obsidian’s Dataview plugin.

I don’t want much, just a way to get a list of files created/updated recently and link my daily notes pages together so I can navigate between them.