Bask in the glow

No, you played Stardew Valley until 2am with your wife and her sick sister to keep her company from afar.

We joked about an all night gaming session then suddenly looked up. And it was 2am.

This is a hazard of gaming with those west of you by a few hours.


🎙️Podcast listeners, where are you listening to podcasts?

What app are you using? Is there something you like about it or is it simple intertia?

I’ve been using PocketsCasts forever (because it’s cross-platform) and am curious what else is out there that people like.

Monday Morning Sys Admin - Google Mail and 3G End-of-life

  1. Move personal domain email from Google back to Dreamhost. I was grandfathered into their Google for Domains plan and with them ending it, even with the stay of execution, the writing is on the wall so I’m going back to my own domain and own host.

  2. Got email about my 3G modem on my rooftop solar installation being discontinued early. Requested my installer swap out the modem for a 4G modem and worry about it again in 2028. There’s apparently some way to move the responsibility to my home network, but that’s one less thing I have to manage and remember exists.

📺 The Silent Sea on Netflix. Superbly paced, Korean scifi on the moon.

Don’t say no, make an unreasonable demand

“If you’re going to quit, make an unreasonable demand. What would you want in your dream world?” This is slight variation on the technique in some negotiation training circles known as “Never Say No”. Smart people understand that “no” is a dead end. Worse, it’s a sour dead end. It piles up negative feelings against a brick wall where they fester. It’s better to use a “no” moment as a chance for redirection.

Why you should have a blog (and write in it)

Writing is a way of sharing knowledge and a way to increase opportunities for learning to other people.

If you notice, the internet of today is basically made of a couple of big websites that try to gather every content there is. Have you ever talked to an older person that thinks Facebook IS the internet? Yes, that’s exactly what I am talking about.

“If everybody starts to create their own website, we will start the long and essential process of taking back the control of the Web: the Web is ours to use it as we like, and not to be controlled by half dozen of mega industries with their opaques algorithms.”

Origin of teetotaler

Turner, a member of the Preston Temperance Society, who, having an impediment of speech, in addressing a meeting remarked, that partial abstinence from intoxicating liquors would not do; they must insist upon tee-tee-(stammering) tee total abstinence. Hence total abstainers have been called teetotalers. Source: Wikipedia

Fake or Fortune?

📺 Fell down a Fake or Fortune? hole tonight when I found it on Amazon Prime. There are apparently 9 seasons of the show on the BBC. There are 2 on Amazon.

It’s a perfect show about history and art and mysteries to solve. Is this a forgery? Is this ownership accurate? It’s utterly fascinating and each episode is a journey through history.

How can I give money to the BBC to get access to all of them?!

📺 Finished Search Party tonight.

Each season was its own incredible journey. This final fifth season is no less incredible.

Finished reading: Seek You by Kristen Radtke 📚

Read it in a lazy Sunday afternoon laying on a giant bean bag with my wife also reading a good book.

It is a beautiful life story with technology, psychology and art all reinforcing how important is it to touch. And be touched.

The term skin hunger resonates deeply with me. I have that craving for touch all the time.

I remember how lonely I was in my 20s. I would often go out to eat with a book and to the movies to be near other people. To share a pleasant conversation or brief physical connection.

In my 40s now, I share a generation with the writer and also remember the days before the internet was as ubiquitous as air. There was a different sort of solitude that came before the technology to summon another human from anywhere in the world in an instant.

Anyone have a tip for webcam placement for a large single monitor?

Trying to help my wife with her Zoom setup.

Webcam on monitor is too high. She uses a single, large monitor with a Mac mini.

Instapaper feels truly dead. Where are people going for read later services?

My main use case is filtering my RSS feeds to a place that’s not an open browser tab. Android + Web is ideal. I’m on Mac/Ubuntu most of the time.

I don’t care for Pocket’s focus on sharing but it’s fine.

I want a place to throw articles to then read later.

I’m looking forward to Readwise’s Reader when it gets released. Matter is iOS only.

Pinboard? Wallabag?

📺 The new season of Succession is making me forget what I enjoyed about the last season of Succession.

📺 Maid (Netflix)

It was 10 episodes of a good cry. Very powerful and superbly acted.

📺 Maid is incredibly good but hard to watch television. I am completely hooked on this story.

The Righteous Gemstones is a work of art. The second season is shaping up to be absolutely incredible. 📺

What Your Favorite Sad Dad Band Says About You - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency

Bon Iver Perhaps the most accurate term to apply to your situation is “seriously injured and lost in the woods.”

I don’t know how to break it to my wife…

The white on white text is exciting. Is there a setting I can toggle?

Hello from for Android!…

Good Evening 🦌

I tell him, “My last boyfriend was a guy named Carl, and-” “Tm sorry, Carl?” “Look, they can’t all be sexy Sophie names,”

So my wife just burst into laughter at her book. And I asked why so she reads to me what she just read, between fits of giggles.

I, Carl, feel attacked. 😂

Welcome to Maryland.

It was 60 degrees yesterday. Today we got 6" of snow.

Finished reading: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers 📚

Tossing piles of words from dusty local directories into Tiddlywiki.

There’s a beautiful snow falling and it’s very hard to think about work rather than watch the birds gather around my feeder.

Bright red cardinals in snow-covered pine trees are my current love.