Bask in the glow

πŸ“· Day 18: Finished

πŸ“· Day 17: Compass

Different mountain peaks in Oregon.

πŸ“· Day 16: Rotation

Add a rotation to your photos. Similar to the idea of “turn around and take a photo of the opposite direction.” This is a photo of the line up of photographers each taking a family photo.

πŸ“· Day 15: Ethereal

Hiking through the foggy fall trees.

πŸ“· Day 14: Wheels

So. Many. Delicious. Wheels. We braved the fair one night this summer. We rewarded ourselves with sweet wheels.

Carl and the Meaning of Life

A wonderful co-worker just shared this book with me. Carl and the Meaning of Life.

Her son brought it home from the school library and she fell over laughing. And now it has me thinking about how earthworms and IT Operations are terrifyingly similar.

(And my name is Carl if that wasn’t clear.) ;-)

πŸ“· Day 13: Animals

This Dove from this morning will do nicely. Enjoy your day. Enjoy your dove.

πŸ“· Day 12: Legend

This house is absolutely legendary. I saw it driving by and had to detour to visit it and enjoy it’s spookiness. (That’s a 12' Home Depot skeleton in the back left. First time I’d seen one in real life.)

πŸ“· Day 11: hygge (The first word I had to look up.)

I feel like this hotel room from our stay in NYC was perfect.

πŸ“· Day 10: Bridge

A bridge we visited in Oregon that was closed to traffic and terrifying to walk across (if you have a fear of heights.)

πŸ“· Day 9: Safe

Baby bunny. That is not a safe place.

πŸ“· Day 8: Twlilight

πŸ“· Day 7: Spice

Turkey legs. Dry rubbed and grilled low and slow. I can taste this picture. And because someone will want to know, it’s based off this recipe.

πŸ“· M&M Holder by Logitech It was very thoughtful of them to include.

πŸ“· Day 6: Street

Passenger in a car riding towards the bridge in I-295 near Richmind, VA many years ago. That bridge always triggers my fear of heights because it gets very tall very quickly to account for the port in Richmind.

πŸ“· Day 5: Toy

This toy octopus is my co-pilot. I love πŸ™!

πŸ“· Day 4 of #mboct

My wife and I at a recent wedding looking Sharp.

The majority of people are waiting in line.

πŸ“· Day 3 of #mboct

Reading in the dark with a handsfree Kindle setup.

πŸ“· Day 2: Dark #mboct

πŸ“· Zion National Park touched my soul.

Day 1 of #mboct

Read It Later post Instapaper?

I can’t keep paying for Instapaper Premium on Android in good faith. It’s buggy and hasn’t seen an update since 2019.

Pocket doesn’t do it for me. I don’t want community around what I read.

I’m super excited for Readwise’s upcoming reader and have money ready to throw at them.

I’m a little lost in the meantime. Is there a Read-it-later service out there I’m missing? I’m aware of Wallabag but never used it.

Being the DRI of Your Career – Accidentally in Code

Distinguish what your employer rents versus what they buy. My employer buys my time, they rent my personal brand. To that end, I’m conscious that whilst it’s part of the value I bring, I don’t want it devalued because ultimately it’s my asset for the long term. This concept also applies to expertise. My expertise is rented, and so I maintain my understanding of what it’s worth, and what is current on the open market. If your job does not match the market in a way that will make it hard for you to find another one, I hope your employer is paying a lot of rent – because they are destroying the market value.

I wish I would have heard this earlier in my career.

This is amazing and I loved every bit of it. Someone Dead Ruined My Life… Again. - YouTube

The level of effort and research this man will go through is astounding and I love seeing what he finds. Or does not.

The National Portrait Gallery is a stunning building filled with mini history lessons disguised as paintings and sculpture.

Mary and Max 🍿

Went into this blind. (It’s on a poster of 100 movie bucket list where there’s a scratch off illustration for each film and scratching this one made me start crying all over again.)

And wow… What an achingly beautiful film. The claymation. The style and use if color in it. The story. Oh my god the story would have me sobbing uncontrollably if it weren’t told through claymation.Β 

This is a movie I’ve never even heard mentioned and it was beautiful and painful and dark but ultimately beautiful.Β