Bask in the glow

Had some visitors this morning.

Sat on the fence too long. Put my money where my media is. Signed up for an account. To celebrate, here’s a rain-soaked dahlia.


There will be plenty of devices for everyone.
The PS5 will have a long life. The new Apple thing will be the old Apple thing in a year.

If you didn't trade money for nothing today fear not. You will get to trade money for a thing later.

It will be just as good.

It is fall.

The only reason to have Facebook is to keep tabs on your parents before a visit to make sure they're acting responsibly.

A Genuine Labor Day Miracle

 I can actually now use the Internet the way it’s currently being used by people — still slower than most, but with enough speed to get it done. That’s progress, here in rural America.

A Genuine Labor Day Miracle

John Scalzi shares a snippet of rural American internet in 2020. This is the reality 60 miles outside our nation's capital. And millions of other homes across the country.

For all the talk of remote learning and working. There's a conversation not happening around how this isn't possible.

Welcome to Rural Internet.

The sky and clouds were beautiful. The wind was stiff and constant all day. Sea gulls were hovering above us. Unable to make headway into the wind.

07/30/2020 09:36:05 PM

Black leaves. Red berries.

07/30/2020 09:32:51 PM


07/30/2020 09:29:15 PM


07/30/2020 09:27:23 PM


07/30/2020 09:23:22 PM



Flan in repose.
Flan in preparation
Flan Gone

07/13/2020 07:31:21 PM


07/13/2020 07:19:06 PM


07/10/2020 09:26:35 PM

Confidence and walking swiftly and importantly are two keys to success for tech folks.

The first means you may not know the answer but are confident you can find it.

The second because you get grabbed less in the halls if you look like you're late to somewhere else.

06/27/2020 10:02:50 PM

I love every single part of this story.

“During my walks I collected data on the visible address numbers attached to the front of each home along my route, categorizing each home as either serif or sans serif.”

I Walked All 1,114 Blocks of My ZIP Code Just to Catalog How People Style Their House Numbers… via Instapaper


Two cacti in pots near an open window.
Two cacti sunning themselves.

05/28/2020 06:55:17 PM

05/28/2020 01:48:10 AM

It’s been a day. I’m thankful to have more.

05/26/2020 09:22:02 PM

It has been 0 days since a bird feeder accident.

05/25/2020 10:42:24 AM

05/24/2020 08:09:12 PM

Catbird & European Starling

05/23/2020 08:35:02 PM

Stealth Dove

05/23/2020 08:33:56 PM
