Bask in the glow

12/02/2019 04:44:22 PM

Joshua Specter linked to a post in his newsletters saying When You Follow Someone New On Social Media, Post About It

Let’s say you find someone interesting to follow on social media. Awesome. Now, spread the word about them.

And today, Spained-based tech and short story writer Riccardo Mori, pointed me to Mr. Mobile Michael Fisher…

So there’s two to start with.

12/01/2019 07:19:42 PM

Helping my dad sort his house for sale. I came across some treasures.

The Redskins have done the unthinkable and lost Washington - The Washington Post

Washington has discovered that champions can live here. So why tolerate, let alone support, an atrociously run and constantly embarrassing franchise with a moral compass that is as twisted as a corkscrew?

Perfectly sums it up. Capitals won the Stanley Cup in 2018. The Mystics won the WNBA Championship this year. The Nationals won the World Series this year. The Redskins can’t score a touchdown.

Pokemon: Roku Reboot Edition

Is your Roku acting up after buying Pokemon Sword or Shield?

Apparently the Pokemon game on your Nintendo Switch sends traffic similar to what Roku uses and the Roku streaming stick is too dumb to figure that out. So it freaks out and crashes.

Fix is to play Pokemon game with Switch offline (airplane mode) or move the Switch and Roku to different networks.


11/08/2019 09:10:33 AM

Do not try to update your router’s firmware at 11pm.

It could brick your router and after spending 2 hours trying to manually reinstall it using TFTP, you’ll still have no working router and be 2 hours more tired the next day.

11/04/2019 12:51:58 PM

[caption id=“attachment_581” align=“aligncenter” width=“976”]Status: 2019-11-04 12.49.01 ‘Improving daily work is even more important than doing daily work.’[/caption]

I think about this quote a lot. This book confirmed a lot about what I think about work and working better. It also taught me some things I wish I had the power to implement.

10/31/2019 11:22:50 PM

I feel like I’ve written about this before - can’t remember whether it was here or not, but when trillion-dollar companies complain that things are “hard”, what they really mean is that they “do not want to do them” or that they are “not that important”, or perhaps more tellingly, that “there is no [perceived] profit in doing it”. Because, lest we forget, Google is a company that went from zero to having a gigantic fleet of sensor-laden cars driving around every single road in as many countries as they could, just so you could look at shops and the less said about having more data to sell ads against, the better.

Dan Hon's newsletter

Dan is talking about using Maps to find the safest route home. That’s a problem Maps can’t do for me yet. For all of the smart tools available to us, most of them aren’t very smart at all.

10/28/2019 09:54:13 AM

If you’re looking for a less anxious November, CJ is going to post 30 tips in 30 days to decrease your anxiety.

10/20/2019 03:04:37 PM

[caption id=“attachment_562” align=“aligncenter” width=“700”]Status: 2019-10-20 15.02.39 Status: 2019-10-20 15.02.39[/caption]

10/02/2019 12:19:20 AM

Spookster and Cackles

The newest additions to my collection of Birds in Hats.

Sears Bodies

There’s a Sears store going out of business and there is a wide variety of body parts for sale.

Solar Home

We had our solar system installed today. No more roof just hanging around not contributing to the household. No longer will sunny days be solely the source of sweat and discomfort.

Once the work is inspected, I can flip a switch as 21 solar panels will capture the sun’s rays and send them into The Grid.

09/22/2019 07:22:09 PM

Almost didn’t make it into the parking deck. The attendant apologized to me as I had to duck walking down the entrance ramp.

Tiny scientists

The FDA has a wall covered in tiny scientists.

09/18/2019 08:36:11 PM

09/11/2019 04:59:49 PM

This is my house.

09/11/2019 03:30:01 PM

Absolutely loving these glitch flower paintings.

09/06/2019 08:25:51 PM

“Waze says 19 minutes. We’re doing it in 7.” —Booksmart



Mobil(e) Gasoline.

Bringing the pumps to you!


This is Leopold. He was stationed at Maine’s Fort Knox. The only fort I’ve ever visited with a library and a reading room.

Other troops were sent there a few times in history. But they elected to camp outside the fort. There were so many places for cannons. And no cannons were ever sent to the fort.

This fort was built years too late. To combat a threat long past. It’s best seen from across the river, as it sits on a hillside.

Two Scoops

I present you the art installation “two scoops” as performed by Downeast Ice Cream Factory.

Young's Lobster Pound

No lobster roll today.

Whale watching trip was cancelled due to rain.

Puffin trip cancelled due to lack of puffins.

As solace, I direct you to The Bucket List for 2.

Prepared at Young’s Lobster Pound. Where we passed many a lobster and crab.

And when my number was called, I Rose to receive this menagerie from under the sea (and corn).

It was as good as it looked. And we left a large pile of mussels and clams to a very large family(?) party at a nearby table.

08/29/2019 09:34:28 AM

Lobster Roll #3

Ordered with a shrimp roll and a haddock sandwich. All were very good. And despite ordering only one with onion rings, we got two.