Bask in the glow

Made a fire outside. Sister-in-law came over and we grilled burgers and sweet potatoes. I’ll take a warm February night.

A fire pit with rising flames in a backyard at dusk, with a darkened house in the background and a clear evening sky above.

It is fall.

The sky and clouds were beautiful. The wind was stiff and constant all day. Sea gulls were hovering above us. Unable to make headway into the wind.

07/30/2020 09:36:05 PM

Black leaves. Red berries.

07/30/2020 09:32:51 PM


07/30/2020 09:29:15 PM


07/30/2020 09:27:23 PM


07/30/2020 09:23:22 PM



Flan in repose.
Flan in preparation
Flan Gone

07/13/2020 07:31:21 PM


07/13/2020 07:19:06 PM



Two cacti in pots near an open window.
Two cacti sunning themselves.

Silly Friday iPad testing

04/20/2020 09:57:16 PM

[gallery type=“rectangular” ids=“758,757,756,754,755,753”]

Tonight’s walk took us to a new part of the neighborhood. It was a beautiful with trees and shrubs in bloom. As the sun set, the light was perfect and the colors spectacular.

A good walk always lasts longer than you intend. Tonight was a good walk.

04/16/2020 12:48:34 AM

Yahtzee! I rolled three of them. It was ridiculous.

My best game of Yahtzee. Ever.

I'm not sure what luck I'll miss out on having used it all on this game.

04/11/2020 05:53:25 PM

Cinammon Rolls and bacon
Two Xboxes & Two TVs

Scenes from Coronavirus.

04/08/2020 08:10:40 PM

Doing a better job than most humans I saw today.


Floor excavations brought to you by overflowing washing machine. I’m up to 6 layers between vapor barrier, tiles, floor, subfloor and carpet.

Wasn’t planning to start project Remove All Carpet. But wet floors are good motivation.

Best backpack

I saw this amazing back pack at the airport. It’s amazing!

Obligatory California Meal

Stink bug with a death wish

Stink bug on a soap dispenser.

Deer eating out of bird feeder

Two deer eating out of a hanging bird feeder.

12/01/2019 07:19:42 PM

Helping my dad sort his house for sale. I came across some treasures.


10/20/2019 03:04:37 PM

[caption id=“attachment_562” align=“aligncenter” width=“700”]Status: 2019-10-20 15.02.39 Status: 2019-10-20 15.02.39[/caption]