Bask in the glow

07/12/2019 10:49:35 PM

Just booked a trip to Belfast, Maine. There are so many weird attractions. I can’t wait to see them with lobster rolls in hand.

07/11/2019 06:35:36 PM

I would book a place to stay offering nightly thunderstorms under a tin roof for vacation. I grew up in one and there’s no calmer sound that rain on the tin roof in the summer.

07/07/2019 12:32:22 PM

07/05/2019 12:02:52 AM

📺 I have finished Stranger Things Season 3.

I have many feelings. It’s a great arc and a satisfying enough end.


What’s that?

A scene after the credits?



07/04/2019 08:30:21 PM

If we had 3 or 4 kids from the 80s we’d have all of our problems solved in about 90 minutes.

07/03/2019 12:23:37 AM

I love seeing the woodpeckers at the suet feeders.

07/01/2019 10:55:47 PM

📚I finished reading Robert Caro’s Working. An interesting peek into his obsessive curiosity.

06/26/2019 03:15:33 PM

The only people who want to be free are those who have committed a crime. The rest of us incarcerate ourselves in marriage, 9-5 jobs, organized religion, loyalty cards. Do you think they've have had to comb the deserts for Terrorist 47 if he had a loyalty card?

Division 19

Mysterium & Fluxx

Played Mysterium tonight with Reesa and Michelle and had an absolute blast. (Sorry you missed out Stanley and Lori.)

The artwork is beautiful. The game is a cooperative Clue where a ghost passes clues to you about the murderer through abstract artwork.

We were successful in our first playthrough as a team. It was a great party game with a fair bit of setup. But it’s very easy to understand once you get going.

After this, we played possibly the wildest game of Fluxx. This is a game where you start with simple rules of “Draw 1, Play 1.”

Then the rules can change the number of draws. Or plays. Or the number if cards in your hand.

The goals to win also change constantly.

It’s a fun game where everything changes so quickly it’s hard to have any kind of strategy.

We spent most of the game with a hand limit of zero. We picked and played the same card for turn after turn. Until we finally got to draw 4 cards at once and Reesa got both cards needed to attain the goal and won.


This post will be gibberish to most people. Pretend it says “blah blah blah video games”

[video src=“” class=“size-full” data-temp-aztec-id=“a2cf35ea-350b-4aea-a8dd-106baf70a6e7”]

I play Destiny 2. I play it enough to have started a podcast about it.

I have been chasing one Triumph in the game to earn a title. And tonight, I finally got the final piece of my puzzle.

I am a Dredgen!

First Dahlia of the year

First Dahlia of the year.

Patio Project

Four hours of Tiller rental from Home Depot. 850 pounds of sand. 2220 pounds of pavers. 1 ton of pea gravel (almost). 1 fire pit.

My wife and I have spent the last couple weekends removing grass and earth and laying weed fabric, laying sand, leveling sand, laying pavers, re-laying pavers, and spreading pea gravel. But it’s been a wonderful project and it was nice to be able to sit outside on our patio around the (unlit) fire pit watching the birds eat at the feeders and a local deer wandered up to say hello.

As with all home improvement projects, it wasn’t fun doing it but I’m glad to have it done.

Strange Bird

The strange bird was back again today.

06/10/2019 02:01:23 PM

[caption id=“attachment_350” align=“aligncenter” width=“700”]One ton of pea gravel on a blue tarp. One ton of pea gravel on a blue tarp.[/caption]

I thought one ton of gravel would look larger.

06/08/2019 10:10:22 PM

Hauled concrete to dump.

Picked up free mulch. (The county makes it out of the trees they shred.)

Laid mulch.

Adjusted spacing of pavers in new patio.

String trimmed as my wife mowed.

Sat on patio enjoying the spectacular day.

05/31/2019 10:21:49 PM

Instagram’s app is full of ads. Every 3 pictures I get an ad.

When I open it in a browser, no ads.

Today I deleted the app and opened it in a browser tab.

No ads. Only pictures.

Snuggled wife

My beautiful wife in her natural state.

Tale of Two Birds

[caption id=“attachment_323” align=“aligncenter” width=“700”]Blue Jay on a fence with a Robin in the background on a shed. Blue Jay in the foreground with Robin in the background.[/caption]

05/24/2019 02:52:55 AM

Love the 3am Smoke Alarm Polka.

I can reach my own ceilings. I would hate to have to drag a something between rooms at this time to reach and replace batteries on the alarms.

Feathered friends

It’s been a great joy to watch the different birds visit my backyard feeders. Here are a few friends.

What? Who? Me?

It was like that when I got here!

Xbox Guts

My Xbox One started making a whining sound like the hard drive was dying so I took it apart.

There’s not much inside the Big Black Box. I didn’t have a proper sized drive to replace the current one so I left it alone.

I put it back together and it was silent for an hour. So I don’t know if it was the drive or something with the fan. I blew out the insides with canned air just in case.

It may be time for a new Xbox soon. But I just ordered a new Google Pixel 3a XL to replace my aging Original Pixel XL with a failing battery. So I’m hoping the Xbox holds on longer.

Hangover Skillet

Saturday morning we walked to the Town Center to see an art festival. After that, we decided to try World of Beer. We have both ignored the restaurant since neither of us are big drinkers or care for beer.

We were delighted the menu was unpretentious and and inexpensive. The Hangover Skillet I ordered was perfect. Tater tot base. Egg. Cheese. Bacon. Sausage. Toast.

A Conspiracy To Kill IE6

IE6 users represented around 18% of our user base at that point. We understood that we could not just drop support for it. However, sitting in that cafeteria, having only slept about a few hours each in the previous days, our compassion for these users had completely eroded away. We began collectively fantasizing about how we could exact our revenge on IE6. One idea rose to the surface that quickly captured everyone’s attention. Instead of outright dropping IE6 support, what if we just threatened to?

Source: A Conspiracy To Kill IE6

I salute these brave developers inside YouTube for pushing the web forward and leaving IE6 behind.

Mushroom Kingdom